Random questions thread 🧵
Have you ever had a near death experience?
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in an afterlife?
If income wasn’t a issue, what career would you pursue?
What emotion do you express the most?
Does a persons name influence who they become?
What’s one thing that should be taught in school but isn’t?
What was your first word?
Can thoughts exist without language?
Are you superstitious, do you believe in the supernatural?
What were your earliest memories of your home?
What is your relationship like with your father?
Do you believe in soulmates and if so, have you found yours?
What was your most recent Netflix binge?
Do you remember your late grandparents or great grandparents and if so, what were they like?
Have you ever had sleep paralysis and if so, how long did it last?
What is your definition of disciplining children?
With no laws or rules to influence your behavior, how do you think you would behave?
Can we have happiness without sadness?
Too warm or too cold?
What do you value more, intelligence or common sense?
What would be the title of your autobiography?
Where do you find meaning in life?
Do you often have a reoccurring dream, if so can you describe it?
How do you define consciousness?
What was the highlight of your week?
If you could only save one item from your burning house, what would it be?
Were you named after anyone?
What are 3 items you’d bring with you to a deserted island?
What’s the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?
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