Holy Cats, ONE? Okay, um, rabbit hole time, I think. So, to pick one, I would probably have to say TRANSMETROPOLITAN by @warrenellis. I can still remember the exact moment I pulled it off the shelf. And Ellis has earned top shelf status in my collection room. https://twitter.com/ChuckWendig/status/1262543582650601473
It was Mr. Ellis's constant japing which led me to CASANOVA by Butt Stuff Werewolf. Butt Stuff I credit with reinvigorating much love of movies.
And Space Uncle Warren's backup story in OSBORNE: EVIL INCARCERATED led me to @kellysue, who is a trusted friend and mentor, someone who I cannot imagine life without.
However, I wouldn't have picked up that first issue of Transmet if I hadn't finished my collection of Alan Moore, while Watchmen is, obviously, key it was Anatomy Lesson in SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING 21 that hooked me.
Although, that said, I probably wouldn't have circled back to Alan Moore without finishing SANDMAN by @neilhimself and NEEDING more.
Before that, though, I really ought to credit @ThatKevinSmith's run in GREEN ARROW because it brought me back to the comic book store.
But, it all, I suppose, comes down to BATMAN 447 by Marv Wolfman and James Aparo because, if memory serves (it rarely does), this was the first ever comic I remember reading. Which is probably why Aparo Batman is my Batman.
Certainly there is room for some honorable mentions, @DavidALapham's STRAY BULLETS is an all timer and deserves credit for my love of true independents.
And, lest we forget, one of the my first solo websites was called KnightsPast, a homage to James Robinson's perfect STARMAN.
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