You know what I’m just gonna say it. The war was ended, every war has a victor and loser, that’s basic info. What is not warranted, is gloating over the loss of life. Y’all out here debating about wars not won, wars won, but fail to see that what we lost, was our people. -
It honestly makes me sick to see divisions created, blind allegiance to ones race without acknowledging both parties faults. Y’all really don’t know rules of war? What happens in war? How wars are won? That literally anything goes when victory is needed? What a sheltered life. -
The loss of life, isn’t something y’all should be debating about. Bringing in human rights to show off your agendas, isnt what is needed. Y’all know absolutely NOTHING. Nothing. About what each side went through. All you know is what carefully catered media showed you. -
I grew up as an army brat, my mother was in the front while she was still breastfeeding me. Sometimes I would only hear my fathers voice one or twice a month, and when I did, I’ve heard the bombs in the distance. And somewhere on the other side, a Tamil girl just like me was too.
Countless of families experienced what I did, as did children. I’ve sat down with ex LTTE cadres, and become friends, I’ve danced with them, eaten with them, carried their children on my hip. And let me tell you, they’re no different to us. Only difference is while we were given-
The privilege, yes privilege, of staying in Colombo or get refugee status, they had to choose which brother, child or family member would join, and when they died another could go. Y’all talk of brainwashing but do you know what it’s like to have no option but to be brainwashed?-
And yes, even if we were away from the war, we were at risk. Everyone is at risk. That is what a war brings. Death, destruction, chaos, pain. War is indiscriminate. These petty fights, insult everyone who laid their life down for what they believed is right.-
And I can’t believe I have to say this, but ANTI LTTE DOES NOT MEAN ANTI TAMIL, anti LTTE does not mean betrayal to ones own race. And wasting time trying to convince people who have never experienced the true lives of those they claim to speak for, is a waste of time.-
Ignoring the faults of whatever side you’re aligned to and claiming purity and honor is bullshit. They all killed. They all raped. They all did the worst things humanly possible. The LTTE killed their own, the very own people some say they were saving. There was no better army.-
Until you accept that, whatever side you’re from, you will always remain, the joint enemy of Sri Lanka, the joint enemy of your people.
Get the f outta here with your sitting in a comfy room tapping away at your iPhones talking about life and death like it’s so trivial ass.
What, I repeat, what the hell do you know about the pain of this country, When all you see through is a victors glamor or a losers hate?
Bloody disgrace to everything we lost and everything we’re still recovering. This country is still sick, war ended, but the battle thrives.
You can come at me රෙදි උස්සන් asking me why I speak like this after my parents were in the war, it was they who taught me to take accountability, to see the truth, to mend what’s broken, and understand the reality of war. Show yourselves out.
Yesterday was supposed to be a day of reflection and remembrance of what was lost and our mistakes. Victory day isn’t celebrating us winning, but the day that peace won over war. Y’all gotta fight over that too? What will that bring you and the others who still suffer? Done. Bye.
Y’all wanna act like sheep to people who orchestrated everything and never had to go through the pain of what they made their soldiers go through? Sure bro. There’s countless injured soldiers no ones looking after,jobless too. But on victory day? Everyone is full of thanks. Cool.
I’m gonna end with an unpopular opinion, we as Sinhalese had always cornered minorities and made them feel “other” through history. It is definitely no wonder, that they would want to be just that. We gave them no acceptance, and act shocked when retaliation comes.-
Don’t believe me? Look at what we’re doing right now. We got done with the Tamils, now we’re on to Muslims. None of us will ever learn. None of us will ever be Sri Lankan. We’ll only be whatever race we were born into,fighting over a country that always sheltered all of us.
I’m proud of our country for stopping an evil that gave us so much pain, but I’m not proud of the evil it has still left in us. For gods sake people, get a grip and grow a damn brain. If your empathy only reaches the end of your race, it is not empathy. It is selective ignorance.
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