Mrs Business went to a shop today... asked the lady how much something was... the lady mumbles something back, Mrs B asks her to say it again because she couldn’t understand her. “We speak English in Australia,” came the reply.
Mrs B walks away from the counter while the horrid woman serves someone else. She goes and checks the price. The woman comes over and says “I was going to charge you less than that, but now I’ll charge you the full price”.
Fun fact: The guy who owns the shop is an old friend of mine...

Unfortunately Mrs Biz won’t let me tell him because she is way too forgiving and nice. He would sack her immediately for that sort of comment, too... fact.
Mrs B speaks excellent English, in case anyone’s wondering. If she were a white German backpacker she would not have been treated the same way. Yes, I want to make the call to my friend, but no I won’t because I respect Mrs B’s wishes.
We did eventually find a compromise though: I can tell him a staff member did this but not which staff member or any information that would help him figure it out. This way he can remind employees about certain expectations.
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