SOGIE terms explained like you’re 13
sexual orientation = who you are attracted to sexually (and sometimes romantically)
heterosexual/straight = attraction to your opposite specific gender
bisexuality = attraction to your specific gender and any genders

pansexuality = attraction to anyone regardless of their gender
homosexuality/gay/lesbian = attraction to a person of your gender
asexual = no sexual attraction to anyone at all

heteroromantic = emotionally attracted to your specific opposite gender
biromantic = your gender and its specific opposite gender
panromantic = regardless of gender
homoromantic = person of your gender
gender identity = gender that a person comfortable to see themself as
cisgender person = comfortable to see themself as the gender they are assigned to at birth
non-binary/genderqueer person = comfortable to see themself as any of or not in the binary (male or female) definition of gender
transgender person = comfortable to see themself as the opposite gender of the one they are assigned to at birth
SIDE NOTE: put a space between “trans” and “person”

e.g. “trans woman” and “cis woman” not “transwoman” or “ciswoman”

“trans” describes the kind of gender that “woman” has and by doing so it presents womanhood as a spectrum and every kind is valid
gender expression = how a person dresses, looks, acts, and presents themself that may or may not conform to socially set stereotypes of genders
butch (or masculine) = an expression that is attributed to traditional (binary) definition of manhood
femme (or feminine) = an expression that is attributed to traditional (binary) definition of womanhood
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