Sometimes family can be some of the hardest people to communicate with..

I’ve tried to express my feelings to my brother on numerous occasions and instead of listening and honoring my feelings, he goes into a defensive mode and gets very combative. (Cont’d)
Instead of engaging in a Back-and-forth, it’s evident he wants to be right, and I’ll take my peace.

Same goes for my dad b/c it’s unfortunate the first two men in my life to love me are the same ones who won’t respectively honor me as an individual.
Being the bigger person can be exhausting, exerting your energy into fixing a situation that realistically serves no purpose.

So, I allow people to walk in their path and I’ll continue to walk in mine.. Even if it’s not in the same direction.
They’re comfortable living with their trauma and when I try to have a dialogue about therapy & healing to release emotions that no longer serve us… They think “LA got my going crazy”...

So, I’ll protect my peace even if that me no longer being close w/ brother & dad.
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