Having got into the meat of #ChampionsNow it's made some interesting choices in chargen. Firstly, there's a nice freeform triangle to help you plan out your Personality, Powers and Problems before you go anywhere near the numbers. Good idea and portable for any supers RPG 1/
In terms of chargen, Situations (Disadvantages in vanilla Hero) come first, not powers. I'm surprised they're much like classic Hero. The free-wheeling philosophy seems to clash with the trad "occurs on an 11-" Hero mechanic, although it's a mix as some (eg Hunted) drop it

A mere 30 powers (Hero 6th has 64) hides a few compound powers (e.g Flight covers Swimming, Leaping, Swinging, Gliding). This is a great starting point for a stripped back and simplified Hero System Lite and actually makes me slightly crave such a product (this aint it)

Crunchy detail isn't the point of Champions Now, but it goes back to the old maths where a level or two of Growth or Density Increase is more efficient than buying certain characteristics. This isn't a hard fix but I guess it's not the point in this character-first philosophy

And speaking of crunchy detail, it still uses the same old maths: advantages increase the cost by a multiple, limitations reduce it, but looser than modern Hero and fewer of them. Also the usual power frameworks to save points by tying powers thematically together

One odd crunchy choice stands out: Expanded Scope. This is Megascale in Hero5/6, letting you use certain powers over a huge area without breaking the game at a character level. Here it's only for Movement or Senses (good) but can only operate at one scale

So if you want to be able to fly rapidly across continental USA (regional +1/4 advantage) and in deep space (+1 advantage) you have to buy the Flight power TWICE. That's just weird and feels entirely against the games strong fiction-first philosophy

Especially as its explicitly divorced from tactical-level movement anyway, so the ability to fly to Mars has zero bearing on your ability to fight crime in downtown Detroit. Feels like it should be a 5 point one-off not an advantage at all

In short, it's lighter than modern Hero, but not as light as it perhaps could have been. But this should certainly get @HEROGAMESTweets thinking about what a true Hero Lite could look like and maybe consider a dip into that space #WishfulThinking

/End (for now!)
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