I don’t mind Muslims taking on the cause of Palestine as an obligation of their belief in a justice-centered religion and Palestine is an issue of injustice. However, Apartheid Israel is a settler colonial project slowly ethnic cleansing Palestinians regardless of religion.
Does Israeli hasbara use islamophobia to justify its occupation? Yes. Are individual IOF soldiers and prisoner guards more discriminatory to Pali Muslims than Christians? Yes. Systemically it is a colonial project meant to wipe out & destroy the very idea of an Palestinian Arab
The fight for Palestine is a fight against capitalist, neoliberalism, prisons, colonialism, ethnic cleansing, white supremacy, gendered violence, etc. To fight for Palestinians is to fight for our right of return, to stand in unconditional solidarity, to BDS, and to organize.
If your solidarity w us doesn’t include a fight to ^ systemic/institutional functions but it is merely conditional based on religion, whose religious population is the majority, who owns what religious buildings and who conquered during the crusades than you’re not in solidarity.
Current MENA politics and the situations on the ground clearly show governments and politicians who want to rule based purely on religious doctrines aren’t gonna work out to put it lightly. Palestine is the center of all Abrahamic religions and smaller minority religions.
To be in solidarity with Palestine is to stand against US empire, against the Duterte regime, against the coups in Venezuela, to stand with the working class of the Global South fighting neoliberalism and neocolonialism, to stand with the working class in the belly of the beast
It’s to be anti cops and the prison industrial complex, it’s to stand with the working women movements of the global south, to stand with indigenous folks from turtle island to Australia. Palestinians are an colonized people not bc of religion but because of their ethnicity.
It’s up to the Palestinian people when we are free and liberated and when we all return to determine the future of our country and how we proceed not people who have no other ties than a loose tie based on religion.
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