Meluat baca tweet defend takde bonus untuk pekerja POS Malaysia.

Kata company make a loss la, cover cost la.

FY2019 C-suites gaji cecah 100,000. Gaji rider 1,300 starting. Ada complain dah 22 tahun pun baru 2000 lebih.

Just shows disparity of wage is serious.
Nak kata takda bonus, announce jugak top management ada pay cut.

But no right? Top Cs keep their pay. Employee get laid off.

Lepastu mula la cakap "ni strategic decisions that's why we pay them alot to ensure business survive".

Comel la.
Orang bukan bodoh tak paham kita tengah musim recession. COVID19 dan ekonomi merudum.

Its not rocket science.

Tapi orang jugak bukan bodoh untuk teruma pekerja bawahan selalu dikambing hitam. Tapi diatas paling kurang merasa impak bila ekonomi jatuh.
If you have insider info (direct stakeholder/management) then educate and inform la about their initiative.

Kalau setakat nak kecam apa orang lain cakap and then sambung defend without some level of empathy, baik kau diam je.

Bonus tu could mean pekerja tu raya or tidak.
Golden handcuffs

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