A screenplay is a loaf of bread you bake for yourself.
The first time you do it, you're incredibly excited. You tell everyone. You are taken aback to find out that not everyone wants to hear about your loaf of bread.
You realize that, out there, there are lots of loaves of bread, just like yours. Wait, *just* like yours? The truth, like a loaf of bread, can be hard to swallow.
So you contemplate your loaf of bread. And you realize...it's fine. But it's sort of plain. It could be better.
The more you look into it, the more you realize, man, there are some *good* loaves of bread out there. Something to aspire to. Something to do *better than*.
And so you do it. You bake another loaf. Then another. Ever critical, ever improving. Ever leavening.
Anyway what I'm trying to say is that's how you find yourself on a Monday night, four slices deep, thinking *that's* the cure for writer's block.
Buy my cookbook.
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