Uhm...Yes. Yes, I want Katara to be queen of the Fire Nation. I want her in charge of all of those chumps. I want her word to be law, ESPECIALLY when it comes to restoration and reparations.

I want Black people running this joint *gestures at America.* So, yes. Sign me tf up.
Like, Zuko was HELLA complicit, and he did some fucked up shit, but he was also a CHILD. A child indoctrinated in the fire nation mess FROM BIRTH.

And he turned that shit around in a matter of months once he was outside. MONTHS. Like, this show wasn't over the process of years.
Zuko saw the truth, and yes he backslid, but he relatively quickly followed his heart and what he knew to be right.

Turned his back on his people and his privilege. Told his father, TO HIS FACE, fuck you and your colonizing ways. Like, his dad tried to off him as a result.
Afterwards, could've gone off and lived as a hermit like whatsisface, the dude who defected that they ran into in season one. But no.

Zuko went and found the Aang gang, said "do with me what you will." That could've gone a LOT of ways, like...
I know it's not in her, or Aang, but either of them could've been angry enough to slit Zuko's throat for what the Fire Nation did.

I mean, Zuko's still a child, and people forget that, but that's a discussion for another day.

ANWAY, back to the main point.
Zuko accepted and was okay with the fact that these people might not ever like or trust him, but he was willing to fight with them anyway.

He took up literal arms against his family, his friends, and everything he ever knew.
Zuko came ALL the way around on everything he had been taught. He unlearned it then made it his duty to dismantle it by any means necessary.

So, I don't understand this whole "you want her to love her oppressor" angle. No, but I'm good with her loving an actual ally/accomplice.
The comparison to that trash ass Disney movie doesn't make sense to me, either.

Zuko wasn't on some "you're different/one of the good ones" mess.

But I digress.
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