Being a man is not defined by whether you do or do not respect women.

This is a moronic, brainlet take, based entirely on sentiment and self-interest, and has nothing to do with whether one is sufficiently masculine or not.
Being sufficiently masculine does not mean being sufficiently moral or noble, or even a good person.

There are many bad men out there, and they do not get their man card revoked simply because they do not possess your preferred ethics.

Good or evil, masculinity is masculinity.
There are different hues of masculinity, positive masculinity is based more on the patriarch model of paternalism, magnanimity, guardian/mentorship, directness etc.

Negative masculinity is sociopathic.

Both encompass territorial protectiveness, self-reliance and boldness.
Positive masculinity = leader who prioritises the best interests of the group, cultivates/grows those under his charge, cares about ethics.

Negative masculinity = leader or subverter who puts their best interest above that of the group's, beholden to no set of moral codes.
Respect flows upwards, not downwards.

Children need to respect their parents, their parents don't need to hold them in high esteem - only do what they believe to best for them.

The same is true for men with women.
A woman's opinion does not hold the same weight as a man's, in the same way a child's is not equal to its parents.

Whilst one should consider their point of view, it doesn't earn "respect" - respect suggests "to hold in esteem" & the true man does not pedestalise his dependants.
This obsession with respect, stems from the worship of equality as a false god. That if one "does not respect women" then they will somehow mistreat them.

This is nonsense.

To respect is to simply hold someone in great esteem. Respect is earned, not given.
In so much as respect is earned not given, it is moronic to suggest a woman should be respected simply because she is a woman.

On the contrary, the behaviour of the typical woman today deserves condemnation band shaming, so that it may it reform as something healthier.
Everybody deserves civility, until they are uncivil.

But nobody deserves respect simply for existing, respect is earned, and only women would be so conceited to demand it simply for existing - men know they have to work for it by proving their competence and prowess.
On the point of "a man's word holds more weight than a woman's".

This is a simple heuristic not based on individual competence, and the reasoning for this is simple.

Men are less emotional, more reasonable, and more responsible for women than vice versa.
Not only this, but men are more generally direct, less fickle and more honour bound than women are

A woman has a "prerogative" but a man has "his word"

Taking all these factors into consideration, it is therefore only natural that a man's word carries more weight than a woman's
Whether your sensibilities like this or not is irrelevant.

Whether you think I'm toxic, bitter or an incel is irrelevant.

Equality is a false God, there is a hierarchy, and women are a step below men on that hierarchy.

Speaking of God, the bible is in agreement with me here.
1 Timothy 2:12 - "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence".

So is her word equal to man's?

Does she deserve esteem & respect simply for existing, because she is wonderful, beautiful and female?

No. Stop being a fucking simp.
You've been programmed to worship the feminine and give it undue deference and esteem it has not earned and cannot handle, in turn spoiling its character and creating the narcissistic monster that is the contemporary woman

You're a guardian, not a worshipper. Remember your place
Beauty is not worthy of respect.

Do not lose your mind to it, and subsequently worship its possessor.

Good character is worth respect. Competence is. So is self-discipline, and responsibility taking.

These things are worth respect.

Not being a fucking woman.
The idea a woman is worth respect simply because she is a woman is a dangerous one.

How many toxic, cruel, bitter, incompetent and undisciplined women are the undeserving beneficiaries of respect they do not deserve simply because they are women?

Far too many.

Stop. Just stop.
If you insist on clinging to equality, then you can, at the very least, hold women to the same standards you do men, and not be a hypocrite.

When was the last time you respected a man who hadn't proven himself to you?


Stop worshipping women. Make them prove themselves
Men, irrespective of competence or character, naturally elicit more respect than women because they are more physically formidable.

Those who are more physically formidable have a greater capacity for violence. Violence is power and instils fear.

Fear and power is respected.
Even when that capacity is not being employed, but its potential is merely observable in one's presence through muscularity, height, greater hairiness and a deeper voice - it elicits a natural respect and commandingness that women do not possess.
This is best evidenced with children, who are more likely to listen to their father than their mother, because instinctually, they fear their father more than their mother.

Parents play good cop, bad cop - the mother uses the father as an enforcer.

Consider this an addendum.
So remember, the next time you hear

"A real man has respect for women"

Or some other sentimental garbage with absolutely no founding in objective reality that demands you hold women in high esteem simply for existing

Laugh at them and refer them to this thread

They're morons.
People care more about women than men, but respect men more than women.

This is the way of our species.

Women are cherished, men are revered.

Stop trying to invert the natural order.

It's not women who need more respect. It's men. Women need cherishing.

Don't get it twisted.
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