Re: Catholic Twitter's current discourse:

I am out: I'm a lesbian. I've been out since I was 15 & atheist. When I became Catholic, I vowed to the Church that I would always be faithful to Her and Her teachings. 💜

I'm STILL vocally out because I want young LGBT+ folks to know they still have a place in the Church. I want them to know that being gay or bi or lesbian or trans is not a sin. I want them to know that they are welcome.
But still,
We have discourse like today's, where people want all traces of anything resembling LGBT+ to be quashed, hidden -- out of sight, out of mind.

What that often results in is LGBT+ *people* being quashed, silenced, marginalized.
I've found a lot of grace and comfort and solidarity in my Side B 🐝 community, of LGBT Christians doing their best to live chastely according to the traditional teachings of the Church.

Sometimes, I feel like that's the only place I really belong. 😔
I wish I felt belonging in the Church at large.

But I'm often met with the "hide it, don't talk about it, go away" sort of response. It's gutting, every time. Makes me feel so alone.

So I'll stay "out". Bc I don't want anyone else to feel alone, or like they don't belong.
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