i can’t wait for the day people realize they can believe in a God & other things like astrology, intuitive channeling, & science. i can’t wait for people to understand they can utilize all the tools for growth. when they start questioning these beliefs they were raised with
people think God is attached to a religion. people think God is a man. people think God denies intuition & the planets that God created themself. it just takes critical thinking & research to understand how popular culture, misogyny and elitism has distorted faith & spirituality.
i’m a very logic based person who also walks on faith. y’all know i’m a philosophy & religion major so religion in society? my thing. knowing what i know, i know people fear questioning their institution bc they think they are questioning their faith, but that’s not true.
questioning religion doesn’t question your faith in a higher power. diving into these God made tools isn’t questioning your faith. it’s questioning religion & the man made structure of it. you should question everything and find a logical reason for why you believe in what you do
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