Here’s where I am emotionally nine weeks into this:

If you’re not going to wear masks, or listen to reason, or social distance, I can’t stop you. Nobody can. But you’ll forgive me if I start ignoring you, HARD. 1/x
I’ve been thinking a lot about this mindset: the MAGA fans, the Q believers, the anti-vaxx crowd, the flat Earthers even. It’s a phenomenon that appeals to a lot of people, but there seems to be a common goal. 2/x.
The goal is attention. These fringe elements want to turn the spotlight on them, and suck up every ounce of the news cycle. They don’t hate the media. They love it, because they get exposure. 3/x
“How can I make this narrative about me and my grievances? How can I get the cameras and column inches to talk about the theories that *I* believe in?” 4/x
These conspiracy theorists, the high-level syndicators anyway, know that if they clog up the media channels with their bullshit, less actual information gets through that can save lives. Which is the point. 5/x
It’s an incredibly cynical but effective tactic. I’m surprised no one has caught on sooner. These loons are in charge of the narrative. “We’re just these salt-of-the-Earth downtrodden folks. The elites look down on us. The immigrants took our jobs.” 6/x
Part of the reason why the Pizzagate conspiracy is so resonant is because it provides an explanation of white working class despair. It can’t be economic forces beyond their control. It’s that scheming black man, Obama, and Hillary! 7/x
These conspiracy theories cleverly mask the racism, sexism, and xenophobia that is endemic in white working class communities and repackages it as an unassailable religion that deserves the a prime place on the mantlepiece. 8/x
And then, with the packaging complete, they can flip the script on those clever, snobbish elites, who tolerate gays, birth control, and women working outside the home. “Well, since you’re so *tolerant*, you MUST tolerate MY BELIEFS!” 9/x
But here’s the thing. You don’t have to. There’s nothing written anywhere—not the Constitution, the Torah, the Qu’ran, anywhere—that says you have to put up with bad-faith ignoramuses who 1) want to take up all your energy; and 2) actually want to destroy lives. 10/x
Yes—these conspiracy theorists want to destroy lives. By killing people, putting them in jail, and smearing them. They clamor for blood. If his were happening anywhere else, there would be a team of military leaders working to blow them into oblivion. 11/x
Do not be fooled by the “aw-shucks” profiles. The conspiracy theorists know what they are doing. MAGA, Q, anti-vaxx and the like want you to believe they are just harmless grandmas passing the time. They are violent extremists and must be treated that way. 12/x
Do not engage them in debate. Do not invite them to your house. Do not roll your eyes. Walk away, cut off contact, and report them to the authorities. Call the FBI if you must. Some of these people are armed and stockpiling ammo. They are chomping at the bit for war. 13/x
If you think I’m overreacting, ask yourself this question: how would you behave if your black friend or Muslim friend started spewing this kind of apocalyptic rhetoric? Said things like “The Storm is coming?” and paraded around with automatic weapons? 🧐🤔 14/14
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