šŸ§œā€ā™‚ļø Like A Wave šŸ§œā€ā™‚ļø

* I'm a shitty tagger, but here goes my attempt
* It's me, so there will be angst
* I promise a happy ending
* Krbk (duh)
* Bottom Kiri (though he may fuck Baku at some point, idk)
* Mpreg (I can't resist krbk kids šŸ˜­)
* Kiri has a tentadick
* Experimentation
* A brief explanation of mermaid genitalia; all mers can have babies so there are no 'males' or 'females' in that sense.
* All mers have the same genitalia.
*The baby making hole will only be referred to as a 'hole'. NO afab terms.
ā€œWatch your step here, Doctor.ā€ Says the uniformed male ā€“ some military prick that walks around like heā€™s got a stick up his ass ā€“ as he leads Dr. Katsuki Bakugou through the bowels of an old Navy ship. Itā€™s used for research, supposedly.
At least, thatā€™s what he was told on the chopper ride here after being dragged from his slumber by two military officers pounding on his door at half passed one in the morning.

Heā€™s worked with them before. Not often, but a few times over the years.
Enough to know that he hates it. Enough to know that they only ever drag him in when whatever poor helpless creature was unfortunate enough to be caught by them is on the brink of death, and not even their doctors can fix it.
Not that thatā€™s too surprising though. Theyā€™re not like him. Theyā€™re not even in the same league as him. Heā€™s a specialist. The best in his field.
A veterinarian whose specific area of expertise is in caring for marine life. The military has been trying to recruit him for years to come work with them at their marine research facility, but he always turns them down.
Heā€™s not interested in just barely keeping something alive long enough for them to complete their tests on it before letting it die. Thatā€™s not why he became a vet. And now, thankfully, theyā€™ve stopped asking.
They just call him in when they desperately need him, and reluctantly, he comes because he canā€™t in good conscience leave something to suffer, when thereā€™s a chance he couldā€™ve done something to help it. Even if that something is just to make itā€™s passing a little less painful.
He usually goes to one of their land bases though. Never out here. But according to the little heā€™s been told, this particular case is special. Top secret.
All of the cases heā€™s been brought out on for them are, but this one especially so considering the amount of paperwork he had to fill out promising that he wouldnā€™t speak a word about it to anyone.
Supposedly, itā€™s something new. A new species of fish or some shit that came up out of the depths, and theyā€™re not quite ready to share it with the world just yet. Hence their research on it currently being conducted out here in the middle of the Pacific.
ā€œItā€™s just through here.ā€

Katsuki nods, already mentally preparing himself. He wouldnā€™t necessarily call himself a very soft person, but that still doesnā€™t mean he likes seeing anything suffer.
Heā€™s a vet for fuck sake. He justā€¦itā€™s easier if he doesnā€™t try to set his expectations for a good outcome too high.

As it would turn out though, nothing could prepare him for what he was about to see when they open that door.
Itā€™s a man. A man lying strapped to a table with heavy metal restraints. ā€œThe fuck?ā€ he asks, pausing momentarily. His first thought is that this must be some kind of stupid joke, because he doesnā€™t work on humans, he works on animals.
But then he looks at the definitely infected gash thatā€™s been poorly stitched across the manā€™s hip, and what appear to be burns or a rash of some kind ā€“ possibly from the infection ā€“ across his torso, and legs, and crawling up his neck towards his cheek, +
and he knows thereā€™s no way this is a joke.

One, because these people have about as much humor as a dead fish, and twoā€¦well, itā€™s awful hard to fake injuries like this. ā€œYou need a doctor.ā€ He says, shaking his head.
ā€œThatā€™s why youā€™re here.ā€ Says the man closest to him. Heā€™s the head of their research team. He introduced himself when Katsuki came on board, but he canā€™t quite remember what he said his name was.
ā€œYeah, but I donā€™t do people.ā€ He tells them, watching the injured man on the table turn his head weakly to stare in his direction.

Fuck, is this even legal? He looks half out of his mind with fever. He needs a fucking hospital, and he needs one fast.
ā€œI assure you, doctor, despite what he may appear to be in this form, this creature is not human. Get a bit closer and see for yourself.ā€
Katsuki's brows scrunch, half in annoyance and half in curiosity as he steps closer to the edge of the metal table, quietly wondering what the hell they couldā€™ve been doing to this guy to make them say heā€™s no longer human. ā€œI swear, if this is a fucking joke ā€“ā€œ
ā€œItā€™s not a joke. Just look.ā€

The restrained man gives a weak lurch in his direction, baring his teeth and letting out a threatening hiss as Katsuki gets closer, making him pause.
Those are certainly not human teeth. At least, not any like heā€™s ever seen before. They look like something that belong in the mouth of a fucking shark.
And the burns, or the rash, or whatever the fuck it isā€¦it sparkles. It glitters in the light kind of likeā€¦well, kind of like fish scales, which is surprisingly exactly what the strange red patches seem to be.
Really dried out scales on his arms, and legs, and face, andā€¦everywhere. Little red patches mixed in with soft human skin, going down into legs that look half fused together. Kind of like they couldnā€™t decide whether to be legs or one large fin.
ā€œWhat the fuck did you people do to this guy?ā€ Katsuki asks, instantly pissed as he turns to face the director again. ā€œHow the fuck is this kind of experimentation even legal?ā€
There has to be someone he can call, right? They canā€™t just get away with this. They canā€™t just experiment on a fucking person like this. Can they?

ā€œDr. Bakugou, please calm down.ā€
Calm down?! Do they have any fucking idea who theyā€™re talking to?! Behind him, the restrained man is getting more and more agitated. Hissing, and growling, and thrashing in his bindings.
Katsuki shakes his head again. ā€œYou people are fucking nuts. Iā€™m leaving, and Iā€™m taking him with me.ā€ He says, reaching into his back pocket to get his cell phone so he can call someone out here to come get them.
Someone with some human medical expertise that can hopefully at least try to help the poor guy theyā€™ve been experimenting on.

Onlyā€¦his phone isnā€™t there. Itā€™s upstairs. Upstairs in that room they first brought him to. Fuck!
The head researcher frowns. ā€œIā€™m really sorry about this, Doctor. But unfortunately, we canā€™t let you do that.ā€ He says as two uniformed soldiers step up on either side of Bakugouā€™s body to grab his arms.
ā€œWhat? Oi! What the fuck do you people think youā€™re doing?ā€ he snaps, his heart beginning to race as he tries to break their hold.

ā€œOnce again, Iā€™m very sorry, but we canā€™t let you leave.ā€
ā€œCanā€™t let meā€¦what the fuck do you mean? You canā€™t just fucking ā€“ā€œ he cuts off abruptly when he notices a woman in a white lab coat approaching him with what he can already assume is a sedative. ā€œStop!ā€ he shouts, fighting harder. ā€œSTOP! You canā€™t just ā€“ā€œ
And thatā€™s all he remembers before he feels the sharp prick of a needle in his arm and his vision fades out into black.
When Katsuki wakes again, heā€™s lying on the floor, and the room is empty. No more researchers. No more assholes in military uniforms. Just him and their half dead botched experiment. Fuck.
He sighs, trying to keep a level head as he climbs to his feet to take a quick personal inventory.
His limbs feel like theyā€™re filled with lead, and his head it still kind of fuzzy from the drugs - not to mention, also throbbing, so heā€™s pretty sure he must have hit it at some point ā€“ but all in all, he seems to be alright.
Heā€™s just really pissed off and wants to go the fuck home. //See if I ever help these pricks again.// He grumbles under his breath as he tries the door.
As expected, itā€™s locked. Because why the fuck wouldnā€™t they lock him in here after drugging him to keep him from leaving in the first place. Itā€™s just common sense.

They brought him here to do a job. He didnā€™t do that job, and now here's his punishment.
Clearly, these assholes just donā€™t understand the fact that he still canā€™t fucking help this guy though. Heā€™s a fucking vet, and they can lock him in here as long as they want, but his credentials arenā€™t just going to miraculously change.
He pounds his fist against the door. ā€œOi! Assholes! The longer we keep playing these games, the less chance Frankensteinā€™s monster over there has of surviving, so let me the fuck out!ā€
ā€œYou will be released, Mr. Bakugou, once youā€™ve done your job, and not a moment sooner.ā€ A voice crackles through a speaker in the room's ceiling.
Katsuki jumps, not expecting it, as the man on the table letā€™s out another warning hiss. There must be cameras in the room. Someone watching them. ā€œAnd if I do nothing? If I just let nature take its course?ā€ he asks. At this point, it may be the more humane option.
ā€œThen I assure you that just as no one will ever find this ship unless we want them to, they will never find your body.ā€ Itā€™s someone else who speaks that time. A voice Katsuki doesnā€™t recognize. One that sends a chill down his spine and right into his core.
And just as quickly as he opens his mouth to respond, he closes it again. He may be brash and a little bit reckless at times, but heā€™s not an idiot. And trying to call their bluff right now in his current situation would definitely make him an idiot.
ā€œFucking fine. Iā€™ll do what I can, but itā€™s not on me if he doesnā€™t make it.ā€ He tells them, fighting the keep the slight edge of fear out of his tone as he goes to snatch the fish manā€™s chart up off the counter to get a better idea of what he might be dealing with.
Because right now, he doesnā€™t have the slightest clue, but heā€™s quickly realizing that not figuring it out might have higher consequences than heā€™s willing to pay.
~Eijirouā€™s POV~
Eijirou was always warned against interacting with humans. When he was little his moms would tell him stories about their ancestors and their dealings with the humans. Dealings that ended in bloodshed, and sent their people into hiding.
ā€˜Why momma?ā€™ heā€™d asked once. ā€˜Why do we have to hide?ā€™

'Because humans are greedy, my little price.ā€™ She told him. ā€˜And they will always try to take more than theyā€™re given.ā€™
But still, Eijirou didnā€™t quite take her warning as seriously as he should have. And as he grew, he became more and more curious about the mysterious two leggeds on the land above.
He would explore shipwrecks, and hoard secret troves of the odd treasures he found there. And for a while that was enough. But eventually, he wanted more. Just a little peek. Just one.
But one turned into two, and two turned into three, and before he knew it, he was visiting the surface every day. Sometimes it was to watch the humans.
He never got close enough that any of them could see him, but heā€™d watch them run through the sand, and splash in the shallow waters, and listen to them laugh.
And other times he'd just swim to the surface to feel the warmth of the sunā€™s rays against his scales. That was always far from the human lands though. Far out into the ocean where only huge floating ships roamed.
One of which had a huge, trailing web below it; skimming through the water and picking up fish.

Heā€™d only wanted to free them. He'd only wanted to get just a little bit closer to the strange shimmering web.
But then heā€™d gotten swept up in it too, and before he even knew what was happening, he was being pulled upwards and farther out of the water than heā€™d ever been before.
Which is when the pain started. Terrible ripping pain that felt like he was being torn in two. Like his scales were stretching and shredding apart. It was blinding. Pain unlike anything heā€™d ever felt before.
And then he hit the deck, and so began his journey with the humans, and his sudden realization that they were every bit as horrible as his mothers had warned.
And heā€™s certain this one is no different with his sand colored hair - that oddly reminds him of a sea urchin - and deep, angry scowl. He eyes him suspiciously; giving a threatening hiss when he comes to stand nearer to him.
A few weeks ago heā€™d have given anything to see a human this close. But nowā€¦
Now he knows his mothers were right. Humans are bad. Greedy. They take and they steal what doesnā€™t belong to them. Like him. He doesnā€™t belong to them. He belongs in the sea. But they still took him.
Now, he doesnā€™t know where he is. He called for help ā€“ for his mothers ā€“ on the first few days when they put him in their 'tank'. He even tried to swim back to them. But the water here has invisible walls and he couldnā€™t. He could barely even turn around.
But now, heā€™d even take that over this. Even if the water isnā€™t clean enough. Even if it reeks of his own fear, and sadness, and despair. Even if it reeks of pain. He needs the water to heal. To fully be able to transform again. And he needs food.
/Real/ food so his body has the strength to do it.

Because they took his strength. The strange humans in white. They took it when they made him change forms over and over and over again until he couldnā€™t anymore. Until he was stuck like this. Stuck between both.
They took it when they saw him lying in the bottom of his tank as a bad thing ā€“ not just his body trying to conserve energy - and pulled him back out again.
They took it when they brought him in here and tried to force him to eat their rotting fish again even when heā€™s tried to show them he canā€™t.
Heā€™s tried ā€“ starvation got the better of him and he didnā€™t have a choice ā€“ but all itā€™s done is make him sicker and weaker. And right now he canā€™t risk getting any weaker than he already is. Especially with the new human.
He can feel his fear. He can feel it growing. He can smell the bitterness of it, and hear the increase of his heart rate as his scowl deepens at the glowing box in his hands. The humans like that box. Especially their leader.
He spends much of his time watching and poking at it with his fingers.

ā€œOi! Is this for real?ā€ the sandy haired man shouts upward, drawing another warning hiss from Eijirou.
In his two-legged form, he can tolerate their voices, but stuck like this their loudness makes his ears ring and hurt.
No response comes as the sandy haired man sets the glowing box aside and stares at him. Heā€™s trying to look tough. Trying to hide his fear. But Eijirou can still feel it. Can still smell it. Even as the man hesitantly reaches towards him.
Eijirou tries to wriggle away. Tries hissing louder and baring his teeth. And at first it works. The man pulls back just the slightest, but then the look on his face hardens and he starts reaching again. Faster this time.
ā€œIā€™m trying to fucking help you, Shitty Fish. Or what ever the fuck you areā€¦ā€ He says.

And then suddenly the pressure thatā€™s been pressing down on his stomach is gone, and a little bit of him can start to move again.
/Start./ He eyes the man suspiciously; their gaze holding each other for a moment before the man reaches out again to release one of his arms.

Eijirou doesnā€™t hiss that time.
Or the time after that as the sandy haired man reaches over him to carefully release his other wrist, and then both of his legs. He doesnā€™t trust the man ā€“ or quite what heā€™s doing ā€“ but he wants to be free, and that means not scaring him or making him move away.
But then he stops; taking another moment to just stare. Thereā€™s only the restraint left. The one around his neck. And if the man takes that off, heā€™ll be free. So why is he waiting?
Eijirou reaches up to clumsily pull at it; trying to communicate that he wants that one off too.
But the sandy haired man seems hesitant. Maybe even more hesitant than he was when he released the first of the restraints. ā€œIf I let you go, you gonna attack me?ā€

Eijirou just stares at him, unsure of what to do besides pull at the bar around his neck again.
The sandy haired man sighs; pinching the bridge of his nose as he shakes his head. ā€œYouā€™re a fucking fish and Iā€™m talking to you like you can understand me.ā€ He says, taking a step back as he runs one of his hands back through his hair.
His stress is increasing again. Eijirou can smell the sharp bitterness of it seeping into the air around them, making his nose wrinkle in disgust. He /can/ understand him though.
Heā€™s a fast learner. All of his kind are and heā€™s been around these humans for weeks. He just hasnā€™t figured out how to get his own voice to work outside of the water yet.
ā€œOf fucking course youā€™re gonna attack me.ā€ The sand haired man says, beginning to pace.

But heā€™s wrong. Eijirou wouldnā€™t. He just wants to be free. He just wants to go back home!
ā€œThey wouldnā€™t just restrain you like that if you werenā€™t ā€“ā€œ

ā€œN-o.ā€ Eijirou forces out; feeling like heā€™s trying to push the words out past his lips from the very tip of his tail fin. ā€œN-o h-ur-t.ā€
~Katsukiā€™s POV~
Heā€™s losing his mind. He has to be. The panic settling deep inside him at being trapped in this room withā€¦withā€¦with whatever the fuck the half fish thing is has to be fucking with his head, right? Because he swears he just heard that thing try to talk to him.
And a few minutes ago when he thought it was human, that probably wouldnā€™t have bothered him too much. But nowā€¦fuck. If what he just read is to be believed, then they pulled this God damned thing out of the fucking ocean.
And no matter how strangely 'human' it looks, fish arenā€™t supposed to fucking talk.

Hence, the only logical answer to him thinking he heard it speak is that heā€™s losing his mind.
//But if itā€™s a fish, how the fuck is it breathing?// He asks himself. //And why the fuck does its fin look more like a pair of partially scaled, fused legs than an actual fin?//
Thereā€™s a name that keeps popping into his head, but he canā€™t bring himself to admit even to himself that thatā€™s what heā€™s looking at right now. Itā€™s supposed to be the shit of fairytales. Childrenā€™s books. Theyā€™re not supposed to actually exist.
And yetā€¦he can think of no better name to call it as it stares up at him with red uncertain eyes, still pulling at the metal restraint around its throat.
ā€œUh-ff. Uh-ff.ā€ It repeats, which Katsuki doesnā€™t want to acknowledge sounds pretty fucking close to 'off' for something heā€™s stilling trying to deny is speaking to him.
Itā€™s just his subconscious though, right? Just the part of him that doesnā€™t like seeing anything ā€“ animal or human ā€“ being caged or restrained. Heā€™s not really hearing words; he just thinks he does.
But stillā€¦taking that last restraint off might be risky, despite the confidence he had in his decision a few seconds ago. He is trapped in a room with this thing, after all.
So how smart is he to free it when he has no clue how fucking strong it is and no way to defend himself if it tries to kill him?

ā€œUh-ff.ā€ it tries again, pulling harder with a look in its eyes that could almost be taken for pleading.
Katsuki sighs; rubbing a hand over his face. ā€œFuck it.ā€ He says, shaking his head as he opens the last of the restraints. With the way it looks he doubts it has the strength left in it to kill him even if it wanted to. And if heā€™s wrongā€¦well, he really fucking hopes heā€™s not.
The moment itā€™s loose, the fish flips its poorly fused tailfin with such force it knocks the table, itself, and a whole array of tools from a nearby tray onto the floor, giving Katsuki barely enough time to dive out of the way before heā€™s hit by any of it.
ā€œFucking Shitty Fish! You couldā€™ve - ā€ He starts, but cuts himself off the moment heā€™s able to flip over again after everything has settled and sees the poor thing curling itself into the farthest corner of the room, trembling.
Fuck. Katsuki wouldnā€™t exactly call himself a person who often feels a lot of strong emotions ā€“ anger probably being the only exception ā€“ but something about the state of this poor creature hurts his heart in a way heā€™s never felt before.
Or maybe thatā€™s just because he hit his chest on the floorā€¦

Either way though, he canā€™t just sit here and do nothing.
As far as he can tell, this thing seems to be much more scared of him than he is of it at the moment ā€“ though heā€™ll never admit he was ever scared to another soul for as long as he lives ā€“ so he might as well try to capitalize on that and do his damn job.
As he gets up off the floor and starts gathering a few supplies from the drawers ā€“ bandages, a stethoscope, a bag of saline ā€“ heā€™s aware of the fish creatureā€™s eyes following him. Almost like a predator following its prey. Should he take a weapon?
Maybe. But would he even be fast enough to use it if he needed it? Judging by the way it flipped off that table, probably not.
So, he leaves the scalpel behind and just hopes that his reflexes alone will be enough to save him again if this thing isnā€™t as cooperative to his helping as he thinks it will be.
ā€œAlright, Shitty Fish, youā€™d better not fucking attack me, or I ainā€™t doing shit for you.ā€ He says as he picks up the tray and starts moving towards it.
Because even if he doesnā€™t want to admit that it was speaking to him earlier, thereā€™s a part of him that at least has to acknowledge that it can probably understand him even if he wants to deny that too.
The closer he gets though, heā€™s surprised to find it isnā€™t quite as combative as he thought it would be based on its level of fear. Itā€™s still trembling, and itā€™s trying to push into the corner deeper, +
but itā€™s not hissing or threatening to attack in any way like it was when it was strapped to the table. Itā€™s just scared.
So, he sets his tray down and slowly crouches to its level ā€“ itā€™ll be faster to get up if he needs to if heā€™s not sitting ā€“ to examine it. It doesnā€™t appear to have hurt itself any ā€“ not that he can tell ā€“ in the fall, but he wonā€™t know for sure until it uncurls.
Which he doubts itā€¦heā€¦Katsukiā€™s pretty certain his initial assumption was right and itā€™s a maleā€¦will do until he feels comfortable. And he wonā€™t feel comfortable without a good fucking reason after whatever the fuck these military pricks have done to him.
Making sure the traumatized fish-man is watching, Katsuki puts on a pair of gloves and start to soak a few bandages in saline.
The scaled parts of the fish-man's skin are obviously dried out, and while a quick fix to that would obviously be just to put him in water, right now some saline soaked bandages are all he has access to, so theyā€™ll have to do.
Once heā€™s finished, he picks one up and slowly moves it towards the fish-man's shoulder where the scaling looks the worst.

As expected, he tries to pull away, eying Katsuki warily as he keeps moving the bandage closer.
ā€œKeep still, Shitty Fish, Iā€™m gonna make you better.ā€ He tells him. And he means it. Heā€™s got no clue how ā€“ he doesnā€™t even really know what the hell heā€™s dealing with yet ā€“ +
but these military shits are not gonna kill what may be the only creature of its kind because of negligence and stupidity. Not while heā€™s got anything to say about it, thatā€™s for fucking sure.
ā€œH-urt.ā€ The fish-man says, continuing to try to pull away. ā€œH-urt!ā€
ā€œNo, it fucking wonā€™t. Just ā€“ā€œ Katsuki finally just closes the gap between them and drops the bandage in place, not worrying about how it goes on, just that itā€™s mostly where he wants it to be.
The fish-man reacts with a strange, strangled shriek like heā€™s been burned ā€“ which is admittedly startling, and momentarily makes Katsuki wonder if he was wrong ā€“ before he settles again when he realizes it actually didnā€™t hurt him.
He cocks his head, looking with confusion at the bandage haphazardly placed on his shoulder as he reaches up slowly to poke at it with his finger.
ā€œSee? It didnā€™t fucking hurt, did it?ā€ Katsuki asks.

The fish-man pauses a moment, then slowly shakes his head. ā€œMm-ore.ā€
Christ, heā€™s actually having a fucking conversation with a damn fish, isnā€™t he?
Katsuki picks up the next soaked bandage and puts it over the rest of the exposed skin on the fish man's shoulder, swatting his partly scaled hand away when to reaches up to touch it again.
The fish-man flinches, jerking back, and hissing in warning.

ā€œOh shut it, ya Shitty Fish.ā€ Katsuki rolls his eyes, surprisingly less wary of him now that heā€™s up close and theyā€™ve had a chance to interact a bit.
As far as he can tell, while this creature ā€“ he downright refuses to call it a fucking merman ā€“ seems to have the capability to tear him apart faster than he can blink, it doesnā€™t want to. Not even when heā€™s got him backed into a corner like this.
His instinct is still to pull away from painful stimuli rather than attacking which is why Katsuki assumes every scientist on his ship isnā€™t dead yet. And why he himself wasnā€™t killed the moment he released this thing from his restraints.
So, not only is he a shitty fish, but heā€™s a pretty shitty predator too. No wonder he got caught.

ā€œSh-it-ty ff-ish.ā€ The fish man says; testing the words on his tongue.
Katsuki smirks. ā€œYeah, thatā€™s you.ā€ He says; starting to lay more of the gauze strips down on the fish manā€™s arm. This one is covered ā€“ mostly ā€“ in scales, but the other one still seems to be mostly human looking and covered in skin.
Clearly heā€™s stuck between a more human-like form and his natural fish state ā€“ still not calling him a merman ā€“ but Katsuki canā€™t help but be curious about what he would look like fully transformed.
Especially since his scales ā€“ though theyā€™re kind of a dull-ish grey currently ā€“ do seem to have some kind of pigment to them that theyā€™re currently lacking.
ā€œN-ot sh-itty f-ish.ā€ The fish-man suddenly says, drawing his attention.


ā€œNot sh-itty fish.ā€ He repeats, clearer this time. ā€œAy-je-row.ā€
At first, Katsuki doesnā€™t quite get it. Heā€™s clearly trying to say something, but itā€™s not a work in any language heā€™s ever heard. Then the fish man taps his chest and repeats it a second time and it suddenly Dawnā€™s on him.
Itā€™s not a fucking word, itā€™s a name! ā€œEijirou? Is that your name?ā€

The fish manā€™s face splits in a wide, toothy excited grin; nodding happily. ā€œEijirou.ā€
Interestingā€¦fish man has a name. Heā€™s not sure why he never considered it a possibility before, but it really shouldā€™ve been obvious that something human-like and capable of speech would probably have something to call himself by.
Katsuki takes a break from the gauze to point to himself. ā€œKatsuki.ā€
ā€œK-aught-sk-eeā€¦Kaught-skeeā€¦Katsuki. Katsuki!ā€ he exclaims excitedly; clearly pleased with himself. ā€œKatsuki.ā€ He pokes Katsukiā€™s chest, then his own. ā€œEijirou.ā€

ā€œYeah. Katsuki and Eijirou. You got it.ā€
The fish man ā€“ Eijirou ā€“ spends the next few minutes repeating Katsukiā€™s name under his breath, like a child who just learned a new word, while Bakugou keeps putting gauze over his scales.
Itā€™s a quick fix for now, and it seems to be working, but he canā€™t help but wonder how long theyā€™re gonna be in here. Because what Eijirou really needs, is a tank.
A tank ā€“ the ocean would be better, but he doubts he can convince any of these pricks to set him free - and some -

Eijirou stops speaking; his stomach seeming to grumble right on cue with Katsukiā€™s thoughts. ā€œHungry.ā€ He frowns.
Food, he thinks to himself as he stares at the outline of ribs visible under Eijirouā€™s skin. This fish really needs some fucking food.
He looks up towards the ceiling and the camera in the corner. He could ask them ā€“ he knows theyā€™re still watching ā€“ but he doubts theyā€™ll risk opening the door to give him anything even if he did. Theyā€™re pretty stupid, but theyā€™re not /that/ stupid.
So, for now heā€™s just gonna have to hope some IV fluids will do the trick to liven Eijirou up enough that he can get these fuckers to open the door and give him better access to what he really needs.
ā€œKatsuki feed Eijirou?ā€

ā€œYeah, yeah. Iā€™m gonna get you something. Donā€™t worry.ā€ He says. He just hopes Eijirou doesnā€™t freak out too bad when he sees the needleā€¦
As it turns out, Eijirou freaking out over the needle isnā€™t even something he has to worry about, because the fucking thing wonā€™t even pierce his skin. Not even a little.
ā€œThe fuck are you made of?ā€ Katsuki asks; frustrated when the fourth needle in a row snaps in half the second he presses down.
At first, he thought maybe they just had some wimpy ass needles, but now that heā€™s actually had a change to inspect the fish-man's skin a little closer ā€“ and broken three more - itā€™s clear that this is just how heā€™s built.
The needles arenā€™t too weak, his skin is just too fucking hard. Which probably explains why he wasnā€™t given any kind of fluids before this. Doesnā€™t explain why the fuck they didnā€™t try a feeding tube though.
It wouldnā€™t have been comfortable, or simple, but with the way they had Eijirou restrained earlier, it at least wouldā€™ve been possible and preferable to letting him starve.
Eijirouā€™s stomach grumbles again. ā€œHungry.ā€

ā€œI know, alright? Just give me a damn minute.ā€ He snaps. This isnā€™t gonna fucking work. ā€œOi! Assholes!ā€ he shouts at the camera; standing and striding up to face it.
He still really doubts theyā€™re gonna help, but heā€™s at least got to try something. ā€œCan we get some fuckinā€™ fish in here or something? Heā€™s fucking starving to death!ā€
Thereā€™s no answer ā€“ he doubted there would be ā€“ but he knows they heard him. Now all they have left to do is wait and see if they get what they want.
ā€œKatsuki good.ā€ Eijirou says when he comes to sit by him again, and resumes covering his lower half in gauze. ā€œEijirou like Katsuki.ā€

ā€œYeah, youā€™re not so bad yourself, for a Shitty Fish.ā€
~Eijirouā€™s POV~
Eijirou sits quietly while he watches Katsuki tending to his poorly fused tail fin; laying long wet stripe over it to sooth the burn of the air. His scales arenā€™t meant to be left to dry out this badly. They can stand being exposed for brief periods, but definitely not this long.
Thatā€™s why his body is built to change, he assumes. So his scales wonā€™t dry out when heā€™s on land. He wonders why his mothers never told him? Why they kept it a secret from him that he could take on a second form?
Maybe it was because they were worried that something exactly like this would happen. Maybe they were just trying to keep him safe.

He wishes now that heā€™d listened to all of those warnings theyā€™d given him. They were right. Humans are terrible.
All except this one. This one with his sandy hair and piercing red eyes. He likes this human. Heā€™s a good human. The most manly of all the humans Eijirou has ever met.

And he smells delicious.
Not in an edible kind of way. Eijirou would never eat a human. They would taste awful. No, he smells good in a very /different/ kind of way. A way Eijirou has never smelled anyone before; mer or human.
A way that makes his insides tingle where heā€™s definitely never felt them tingle before, and his belly pool with heat.
Suddenly the door pops open; startling him as a bucket is kicked inside the room with them before the door immediately slams shut again.
He hisses warningly; baring his teeth as he sniffs the air. Itā€™s fish. Dead fish. He can smell their rancid aroma wafting from inside the bucket even from across the room.
He crinkles his nose, watching Katsuki retrieve the bucket and bring it closer to him.

ā€œWhatā€™s the face for, Shitty Scales? Itā€™s your breakfast.ā€
Eijirou frowns. Now heā€™s Shitty /Scales/? He doesnā€™t understand what this word ā€“ this 'shitty' ā€“ means, but it must be a good thing, right?
Katsuki keeps using it in reference to him, and this time to his scales ā€“ which are quite beautiful when properly hydrated ā€“ so it canā€™t be bad, can it? Katsuki wouldnā€™t do that. Heā€™s good. Eijirouā€¦trusts him.
So maybe he can give these fish a try. Maybe this time they wonā€™t be as bad as they were last time because Katsuki was the one to give them to him. Maybe this time theyā€™ll be 'shitty'.
Slowly, Eijirou reaches his hand into the bucket and plucks out one of the fish from amongst the frozen chunks of water; bringing it up to his face and giving it a long, deep sniff.
He wrinkles his nose again. Dead. Definitely dead. For a few days now at least. But maybeā€¦
He sticks his tongue out; giving the dead fish a tentative lickā€¦. nope. Nope he definitely canā€™t eat this. Itā€™ll make him sick! When he chucks it across the room to get the scent of it as far away from himself as possible though, he earns a disapproving look.
ā€œThe fuck did you do that for?ā€ Katsuki asks; sounding angry.


ā€œYeah, you are bad.ā€
Eijirou pouts. Thatā€™s not what he meant. ā€œBad /fish/.ā€ He clarifies; pointing to the bucket.

ā€œTheyā€™re not bad. That shit looks human grade!ā€
Eijirou doesnā€™t know what that means, but he doesnā€™t bother trying to figure it out. He just reaches into the bucket, pulls out another fish, and points. ā€œDead.ā€
ā€œYeah, thatā€™s how itā€™s fucking supposed to be!ā€ Katsuki says, clearly not getting the point.

ā€œDead fish bad!ā€ Eijirou tells him, pointing harder.

And that time, finally it seems to click. ā€œYou need them alive to eat them?ā€
Eijirou nods, his face splitting in a brilliant smile again; ecstatic to finally be understood. ā€œYes! Yes! Alive!ā€ he exclaims, gesturing with his hand to mimic their wiggling.
Food! Heā€™s finally going to get food! Heā€™s so excited as he watches Katsuki cross the room to shout at the ceiling again that he flips his tailfin; unintentionally dislodging most of the wet strips from their place and completely wrecking all of Katsukiā€™s hard work.

ā€œNow donā€™t fuckinā€™ move.ā€ Katsuki tells him crossly as he reseats the final few pieces of gauze ā€“ thatā€™s what theyā€™re called, apparently ā€“ on Eijirouā€™s tail.

ā€œI mean it. Iā€™m not fixing this shit again.ā€
Eijirou nods; a look of determination on his face as he tries to will himself to not move so much as a muscle again so he wonā€™t ruin all of Katsukiā€™s hard work.

This is the second time heā€™s had to reset the gauze.
The first was after he got excited about the prospect of food, and the second - this time - was because the ship started to move and he got scared. He hasnā€™t felt the ship move in a long time, and itā€™s a weird feeling being that heā€™s actually sitting still.
ā€œWh-ere going?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€ Katsuki tells him with a shake of his head.

But he can tell the sandy haired man is uneasy again, and this time itā€™s not because of him, which is worrying. Does he think theyā€™re going somewhere bad?
Before he has a chance to contemplate it any further, the door opens up and two men come in pointing long, oddly large sticks. ā€œCome with us.ā€

Eijirou lets out a warning hiss, trying to remember not to move even though he really wants to.
Katsuki looks back at him, then to the other men. ā€œIā€™m not leaving him alone in here. He needs to be watched.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t worry, heā€™s coming too.ā€
There's a bit of arguing that happens after that which is too hard to follow, but he understands that the gist of it is, they want to strap him back to that horrible table again, and Katsuki doesnā€™t want them to.
Which is greatly appreciated, because Eijirou definitely doesnā€™t want that to happen either.

Finally, Katsuki stops arguing and comes back over to him. ā€œIā€™m gonna carry you, so donā€™t move around too much, alright?ā€
Eijirou hesitates a second. Carry? Heā€™s never heard that word before, but Katsukiā€™s not done anything to hurt him yet, so he can trust that this probably wonā€™t hurt him eitherā€¦right?
He nods, watching as he puts an arm under his fin and another behind his shoulders and lifts him from the flood.

Eijirou scrambles, giving a little screech when he feels the gauze start to slip. He wasnā€™t supposed to move!
ā€œItā€™s fuckinā€™ fine, just stop squirming.ā€ Katsuki tells him, seeming to strain as he tries to hold on.
Eijirou stops, frowning as he watches a piece of the gauze slip off onto the floor. ā€œWhere going?ā€ he asks again; wrapping his arms around Katsukiā€™s neck to keep himself steady as they begin to move, following the other men from the room.
ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€ Katsuki tells him; still obviously straining under his weight. ā€œBut donā€™t worry. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine.ā€
Eijirou nods, sniffing the air as he tries to see if he can smell anything familiar now that theyā€™re out of the room. But he canā€™t. All he can smell is the strange, bitter scent of the ship mixed in with the saltiness of the ocean. Nothing new.
So he tries to do his best to keep calm and trust that everything will be fine. That his new human companion ā€“ his Katsuki ā€“ is right. And if heā€™s not, then he trusts he will keep him safe. He did tell him he would, after all.
The longer they walk though, the more Eijirou starts to recognize. Thisā€¦this is a path heā€™s been taken on before. It goes back to what the humans call their 'lab'. The place they study him from. The place where they keep his tank.
Maybe thatā€™s where theyā€™re taking him? He hopes so. Being back in the water would feel good on his scales, even if heā€™s not really sure he can fully finish transforming yet. But itā€™s fine. Itā€™ll happen eventually, they just need to not take him out again until it does.
And he's sure Katsuki will stop them if they try. He seems to already understand the importance of the water in helping him heal, so heā€™ll want to keep Eijirou in the water just as much as Eijirou wants to be there. Maybe if heā€™s lucky, Katsuki will even get in too!
Then they can finally talk. Really talk. Heā€™s still learning how to do it outside of the water, so itā€™s kinda hard to get what he wants to say across. But inside the water is ā€“
ā€œIn here.ā€ the man leading them says; gesturing towards one of the doors and interrupting his thoughts.
He was right! They are taking him back to their lab! He can see his tank! He almost starts squirming with excitement, but then he remembers that Katsuki told him not to move, so he doesnā€™t.
ā€œThe fuck is that?ā€ he hears Katsuki ask, and though heā€™s pretty sure the question isnā€™t for him, he answers it anyway.


ā€œItā€™s where we keep him.ā€ The other man responds.

ā€œWhere you ā€“ are you fucking kidding me? Itā€™s barely big enough for him to turn around!ā€
Thatā€™s trueā€¦it is kinda small, but at least itā€™s water. When he first got here, they did he didnā€™t even have that. He just had a strange cave they kept him in that made his skin feel raw and his newly formed leg bones ache.
So, in comparison, the tank is a much better place to be.

ā€œItā€™s the largest we can have on board.ā€ The other man says, leading them up onto the small platform above his tank.
The humans like to be up here. They like to watch him. And Eijirou thinks itā€™s funny to watch them too because of the odd way the water distorts their faces.

ā€œIn.ā€ Eijirou points.
Katsuki sighs. Heā€™s not happy about something. Is it the water?

ā€œIn.ā€ Eijirou points again, harder this time. Maybe if he came too he would see it wasnā€™t that bad?
He doesnā€™t bother trying to point for a third time when Katsuki ignores him to keep fighting with the people in white when they come to join them. He just gives a single hard flip of his tailfin and sends the both of them toppling into the water.
~Katsukiā€™s POV~
At first, Katsuki canā€™t quite make sense of what the fuck just happened. One second heā€™s on the platform, arguing about the sorry excuse for a tank theyā€™re keeping Eijirou in, and the next heā€™s drowning.
The tankā€¦fuck, Eijirou must have pulled him into the fucking tank!

He tries to push off the bottom to swim back up, but somethingā€™s keeping him in place.
Eijirou. The fucking fish has got his arms wrapped around his waist holding him under the water! Almost instantly, his survival instincts take over and he starts thrashing, trying to break free.
But no matter how hard he tries, he canā€™t. He canā€™t fucking get free, and if he doesnā€™t do so soon, heā€™s gonna fucking drown!

ā€œDude, stop fighting. Itā€™s okay. Just give it a minute and your body will change.ā€
Change? Oh shit, does this fucker not understand that there is no changing for him? He canā€™t breathe under water! But how the hell is he supposed to communicate that when trying to wrestle himself free from Eijirouā€™s arms isnā€™t fucking working?!
He probably wouldnā€™t even understand if he tried to make the universal signal that he canā€™t fucking breathe by grabbing at his own throat, because Eijirou is a god-damned fish! He probably doesnā€™t even understand the concept of drowning!
So, he just does the only thing he can do, and keeps fighting him; hoping that eventually thatā€™ll get the point across and heā€™ll let him go. But what if he doesnā€™t? Is he just doomed to drown here?
Those fucking scientists are still up on the platform above them, but they donā€™t seem to be all the worried about the fact that heā€™s dying. Theyā€™re just fucking watching like this is another one of their experiments!
And thatā€™s when it hits him. They really arenā€™t worried. If he dies, he dies. They really donā€™t care. They donā€™t care, because they were never planning on letting him off this ship alive in the first place.
If he wasnā€™t drowning right now, heā€™d probably laugh at how stupid heā€™s been. Of course, theyā€™re not planning on letting him live. Yes, heā€™s worked on secret projects for them before, and heā€™s always been discreet about it, but thisā€¦this is an entirely different situation.
Eijirou is the very first of his kind that humans have ever seen, as far as he knows. They canā€™t risk sending him back to land after this. They canā€™t trust him with a secret this big.
They were always going to kill him, right now they just have the opportunity to let Eijirou do it for them, and theyā€™re taking it.
But if they think Bakugou fucking Katsuki is gonna go down without a fightā€¦well, theyā€™re about to learn a very important lesson. Heā€™s a survivor and heā€™s not gonna be taken out this easy.
So, he grabs ahold of Eijirouā€™s arm closest to his mouth and bites down hard. Hard enough to taste blood. Hard enough to make the ā€“ he just needs to finally admit this is a fucking mer ā€“ goes rigid and finally loosens his grip enough for Katsuki to get free.
Fuck! He did it! He canā€™t believe that actually fucking worked!
Obviously, the last thing he wanted to do is inflict more pain on the poor mer than heā€™s already experienced ā€“ especially since he didnā€™t seem to understand that what he was doing was wrong ā€“ +
but it did the trick, and that first breath of air again when he breaks the surface feels fucking glorious.
He chokes and sputters, doing his best to grip the edge of the tank to keep himself afloat while he catches his breath. ā€œThanks for all the fucking help.ā€ He gasps sarcastically.
The head scientist just shrugs, seeming unfazed. ā€œYou seemed to be handling him fine on your own.ā€

Katsuki would like to send him for a little swim as well for that comment, but he keeps himself in check.
They donā€™t need to know that he knows their plan for him. Not yet. Itā€™s better if they just think heā€™s still oblivious. Thatā€™s whatā€™ll make whatever his counter attack is all the more surprising and effective.
Getting himself up onto the deck again after heā€™s caught his breath isnā€™t any easier of an ordeal, since he still doesnā€™t get any help until finally one of the solderā€™s ā€“ the one that walks like heā€™s got a stick up his ass ā€“ helps drag him up the final few inches.
Fuck! That was hard. Katsuki considers himself someone whoā€™s in pretty good shape ā€“ he has to be in his line of work ā€“ but he also doesnā€™t usually god swimming fully clothed, or have to drag his entire bodyweight up without a ladder after heā€™s finished.
ā€œThanks.ā€ He tells the soldier ā€“ Iida, according to the name embroidered on his uniform ā€“ as he lies on the deck, catching his breath again.
Below, he can hear the sound of Eijirou finally resurfacing, but he canā€™t force himself to move any more to know whether or not heā€™s okay. Heā€™s pretty sure he is though. Itā€™s not like a bite to the arm has ever killed anyone before.
Especially not someone with as hard of skin as Eijirou has.

Speaking of which...how the fuck did he just bite him hard enough to draw blood, when before his skin was hard enough to break needles?
Is his skin weaker in water? That doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense, but then again, a lot about this whole situation doesnā€™t.
The only thing heā€™s sure of, is that he will have to tend to that bite wound after heā€™s had a chance to rest. After all heā€™s already been through, the last thing the poor mer needs right now is a fucking infection.
After a while, finally Eijirou is brought his live fish and allowed to each for the first time in what must be weeks judging by how quickly the water in his tank turns red from his feeding.
Which isā€¦admittedly a little terrifying to watch, considering that he eats like a fucking savage animal. But itā€™s good. Heā€™s glad Eijirouā€™s getting to eat, and he looks much more lively after heā€™s finished.

Onlyā€¦heā€™s frowning.
ā€œThe fucks the matter now?ā€ Katsuki asks, sitting on the edge of the deck watching him. Theyā€™re the only ones here now. Not completely ā€“ there are still people in the lab ā€“ but heā€™s the only one still by the tank.
Heā€™d thought they were finally done with all the pouting though. Eijirou had beenā€¦strange when he finally emerged after their little scuffle under the water, but he got over it quickly.
Katsuki just explained that he couldnā€™t change forms and then the scaly little shit had gone all sad on him, begging for forgiveness for almost killing him.

Which Katsuki forgave him for, obviously.
Itā€™s not Eijirouā€™s fault that nobody explained to him that the changing of forms wasnā€™t a universal thing across species. And that was the end of it. The assholes running this place came in with his food after that, and everything was fine again.
Until now, at leastā€¦

Eijirou looks up at him, pouting despite the healthy shine his skin has taken on. ā€œI didnā€™t save you any.ā€ He says, lowering his gaze to the carnage left behind in the water. ā€œAnd youā€™re hungry too.ā€
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