gundam ibo ep 20:
so. we're almost finished the first season of ibo and i have some comments to make on what we've watched so far:
1) i dont get where kudelia's getting her power to negotiate on behalf of colonized martians. the whole time the show keeps telling me that she's a revolutionary maiden but she's done no groundwork aside from making a few speeches. its just so ingenuine to me, like ....
how is anyone supposed to be "inspired" (or even give you the time of day) when you've basically lived your whole life as a sheltered kid whose only source of "legitimacy" is being the daughter of the representative of one of mars' cities after the area was divided by earth.
2) kudelia's been trying to negotiate with one of earth's economic blocs for "economic independence" but independence how? she says she wants to deregulate martian half-metal...... but that's just it. we don't get any detail about what deregulation actually entails.
what does deregulation even mean here? deregulation refers to the removal of govt enforced regulations on an industry (in this case, half-metal) and allowing the market to determine the price of said good. except.... in simpler terms, deregulation--
--opens up industries to serve corporate interests. which means, if it's profitable for martian corporations to slash minimum wage, worker safety regulations, not paying for negative externalities on the environment from half-metal mining etc.. that's what they'll do.
this all ends up with me asking: how does deregulation of half-metal represent the interests of martian working class/human debris ??? doesn't seem like it at all, at most she'd just be bringing in profit for the petty bourgeois/sellouts in mars that claim they've gained--
--"economic independence" but maintain the same harsh working conditions and exploitative labor relations with the martian poor.
I feel like IBO would've been more solid if they actually spent a little more time talking about how kudelia's plans actually pan out for the martians that are colonized and enslaved but they basically just threw us, "here's ur white saviour girl who made some nice speeches"
--clearly, independence and revolution is about inspiring speeches for freedom, right? but missing the point by a mile of what exactly "independence" from colonialism looks like lmao not that i expected any better from sunrise but anyway
u know what, code geass did a better job. like, lelouch was like.... really faulty at certain points like him agreeing that the land partition plan couldve worked but he had the right idea about how to win independence. fck these liberals LO LASLKNFDASNFD
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