When I was in my late teens, I was struggling to get a job, didn’t have anything, so it was suggested by someone that I should go on social assistance. It was a humiliating and demeaning experience because I was made to feel insignificant as soon as I went thru the door. (Con’t)
But I was lucky, one worker bent the rules, he asked me “what do you want to do and what do you need to do it?”

I told him I wanted to be an artist. I just needed art supplies. He told me to make up a list of household things I “needed” like cleaning supplies & towels. (Con’t)
I submitted the list like he asked for and requested $300 to buy them. I did need those things, but I needed art supplies more. I got a job waitressing and cleaning not long after. (Con’t)
Long story short: sometimes a small gesture of compassion goes one hellava long way for someone and can alter the course of someone’s life. I’m sure that worker doesn’t remember me. I don’t remember his name. But I will always remember what he did for me.
Moral of the story: never ever dismiss a person because of their age, gender, circumstance. Every life is a worthy life. Every person deserves compassion, decency and a goddam break sometimes, not to “become” anything, but because they already ARE someone.
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