I am sick over hearing people I care about —smart, rational people—repeating & wholeheartedly BELIEVING conspiracy theories.

I’m worried about them & this country but whenever I try to explain it’s disinformation, they laugh it off, think IM nuts or stop talking to me
I’m physically ill.

If any of experts care to advise how to communicate to people that they’re unwittingly repeating disinformation, I’d appreciate it.

I’m not going to just stop talking to them. That’s how we all got here. We all NEED to communicate more.
I’m worried about US as a country.
It’s too easy to shut ppl out—it does not help.

I am not an expert. But for nearly 4y I HAVE been studying every piece of literature I can get my eyeballs on FROM proven experts on disinformation, propaganda, political rhetoric and extremism.
Things I hear a lot:
1. ..that’s your opinion
(after I’ve cited/sent factual info—not articles—facts, expert reports & historical refs etc)
2. After reading something I’ve sent, I’ll get “why should I believe this?”
Things I hear a lot (cont)
3. Well how did Bill Gates know about this years ago if he’s not involved...he’s not a doctor...😩
4. The coronavirus is a bioweapon
Or it’s NBD
What they tell or show me has been debunked by multiple actual experts in the fields I mentioned. Things they show me to support their beliefs are usually from trolls, Russian & US RW disinfo & the like.

It’s like their minds have been poisoned. Good, smart people, brainwashed.
Great advice. Thank you @bjkingnd ♥️ https://twitter.com/bjkingnd/status/1262587772570828801?s=12
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