Romance reading of the day —

The past life relationship card in combination with the 7 of cups, speaks of a relationship, specifically one that has run its course, keeping you from being able to move on & step into a new stage/way of being.
Though is it really fair to place this responsibility upon another? Although this energy represents somebody being affected & tempted through a relationship of the past, there are also not strong enough boundaries here on both sides
& the past partner can feel this & they may be making one last reappearance in order to once again keep their ex in their ‘position’, on par with them.
You may need to be honest with yourself
about the fact that you do not stick to your own word & ideals when it comes to relationships & this is why you do not attract the type of partner that you say you want. Perhaps you do not know how to let exes go
fully, or you have not been able to maintain a healthy relationship because you recognise that you’re not completely available. If you’re caught in a codependent cycle, then perhaps
it’s best for you to make sure that chapter is closed, before you embark on a new relationship, as your vision may be clouded. Familiarity is not always synonymous with comfort & in this situation? It appears as if the
past is coming back to attempt to throw confusion into the mix. Why now? You’re to ask if somebody suddenly makes a gesture after a while. Do not expect that people change so quickly, even if you would will it so.
You may be seeing certain behaviours pop up again or gain a sense of de ja vu, because you’re reminded of the importance of being able to step back & recognise now when something feels like a cycle.
This old energy feels disruptive & does appear as if it is holding you back from the next progressive stage. You’re not meant to take this energy with you. And if at a cross roads? Be sure to travel more lightly.
This could represent a physical ex, or simply not being over the past. There’s an opportunity for you to overcome a karmic cycle. This may have to be the last time something or someone ‘pops up’ for a revival.
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