I’m at an event once with one of the most frequently called upon “centrist” analysts of highered. He insists, in public, that “everyone has high speed Internet”. He meant it. You have no idea how narrow the views are of people who control our lives. https://twitter.com/kemwilson3/status/1262523878821298176
It took numerous people telling him repeatedly that this wasn’t true for him to stop, look at us aghast and say, “are you serious??” He advises think tanks and politicians on online education.
I’m not saying I know everything. Far from it. I am saying that I know I don’t know everything. Many many people in various positions of power and influence have no such awareness. They really think everywhere is like the five places they’ve been.
And I decided it isn’t their ignorance that bothers me. That can either be fixed or sanctioned. It’s their utter lack of curiosity that I cannot abide.
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