I've been playing MMOs exclusively for about 3 months and I've tried quite a few. I missed this genre more than I realized and I've had a ton of fun so i thought I'd give my thoughts on the ones I've played and give my opinon on if they are worth playing in 2020.

(A Thread)
I'll get WoW classic outta the way, I love it personally. Its WoW the way its meant to be played. Retail WoW is awful and has been since Wrath of the Lich King, Classic cuts out the bullshit and emulates the games former glory beautifully. The only down side is a $15 monthly sub.
Albion Online is something I'm gonna be playing for awhile I think, even if I just log in to get daily rewards and tend to my crops. The game is definitly better if your a premium member but free players can be competitive and its not pay to win imo. I like the life sim elements.
Old School Runescape reminds me of typing class in high school, killin mobs instead of working. Was a great nostalgia trip but I got bored of it quickly. It has a strong player base still and an active community, i just can't justify putting money in into it to get all the quests
Neverwinter is fun sometimes but its a grind fest that makes me wonder why I'm not playing a better game. It has all the elements to make this a good game but it just all feels wrong to me. Wish this was good as I love D&D and the forgotten realms setting so much!
Guild Wars 2 might be my MMO of choice for 2020. I never played this until recently and I'm still low level but so far this has the best combat in any MMO I've played. The story is great and well told too. Game is free now but some content requires one time purchase of expansions
AdventureQuest 3D is an incredibly simple game. Perfect for someone who never played an MMO before or doesnt know what RPGs are. My 10 year old nephew would love it, but won't keep any RPG veteran engaged i don't think.
I have a soft spot for lotro, I'm glad its still active. It really gives me those old school CRPG feels that I used to get from Everquest and Ultima, all set in middle earth and crafted with care. A criminally undercooked MMO. Ive had hours of fun without spending a penny.
That should say overlooked* not undercooked. Lmao
ESO would be on this list but I refuse to give Bethesda money. I played it when it came out, it was bad but I hear its been vastly improved over time.
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