Holy shit, WE DID IT.

With 1500 reviews now counted and just about a full year since @NewBlood got involved, MAXIMUM Action is now rated 90% positive on Steam.

John Woo bless \\o/
"But Dave all your games are super high rated why is this different"


Unlike our other games, when we got involved with MAXIMUM Action, it had already been released on Steam, and it was uhhhhhhhhh pretty fucked.

George had released it literally...
On the day before he started college, and never thought anyone would ever even play it or see it.

But they did, we did, even @Ggdograa did.

MAXIMUM Action became a thing quicker than the 18 year old lad could handle.

And then we stepped in.

But more importantly...
I had heard of of a mythical "2nd Szymanski brother" sometime in late 2018.

David came to me and said, "Hey my brother is looking for work and we could use another programmer around here, right?"


Johnny Szymanski was working two dead end jobs at the time.

Barely even had time to work on his hobby gamedev projects, let alone do gamedev as a full time job.

He asked if he could work on MAXIMUM Action and I said

"yeah sure whatever lmao... game's haunted"

I put him on a one month trial with a smol salary and sat back

He crushed it
The game's reviews were in the 70s at the time, teetering on "Mixed" if it dropped below 70%. But with the help of "The Szymanski Bros" it started to turn around.

We nearly refactored the whole damn codebase, squashed hundreds of bugs, started adding content, workshop support...
And started marching the game toward's that "New Blood Seal of Approval" level y'all have come to expect from us.

Nearly a year and 10?! killer updates later: MAXIMUM Action is the game you see now. 90% rated and selling better with every passing month.

But more importantly...
. @Ducky_Szymanski now makes 4x that original salary plus gets a % of royalties from sales of the game.

He had time to release the hit F2P game "Kyle is Famous" in his spare time https://store.steampowered.com/app/1186740/Kyle_is_Famous/

He even has a new girlfriend in California.


And George...?
With the help of @NewBlood, @BalloonMoose can continue to focus on college while working on MAXIMUM Action without F E A R... and lets just say he won't have a problem paying off those student loans ;)
So why am I making this thread?

Because behind every meme, behind every silly ass game about diving around in slow mo and blowing shit up? Is a story about the people who work on it.

You keep playing it? We'll keep making it.


You can follow @DaveOshry.
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