Alright, lunchbreak lawsplainer time, because this is getting ridiculous.

HIPAA, ADA, and why you should just wear the damn mask, Karen.
HIPAA does not apply to restaurants or grocery stores.

HIPAA applies to medical providers and health insurance companies. You can find this out by reading HIPAA.

No, associated businesses are not retail businesses like Target. See, the Privacy Rules, or 45 CFR 164.502.
The ADA only protects Americans with Disabilities or those associated with Americans with Disabilities from discrimination.

If you don't have a disability, it doesn't apply.

If you do have one, you need to request a reasonable accommodation.
An accommodation need only be reasonable- It doesn't have to be perfect, or what you wanted it to be

Curbside shopping and delivery are reasonable accommodations. Being offered disposable masks at entry if you don't have one is a reasonable accommodation. Come off it.
When you're having the "I want a reasonable accommodation" discussion, a business can, in fact, ask you questions about your condition or disability because they need more information to ascertain a reasonable accommodation for you!

That should be common sense, but here we are.
The ADA recognizes that some accommodations may in fact conflict! Like my weak immune system needing to be protected from Covid-19 and your petulance about facial coverings!

These need to be accommodated separately! Reasonably!

Like with curbside, delivery, or online ordering!
But wait, there's more!

The ADA explicitly allows activities that prevent the spread of communicable and infectious illness! (§ 1630.16(e) )

Check out subheading 2, there, as well- It doesn't preempt or amend any state, county, or local law, ordinance, or regulation!
Like mask orders!

If the threat of a communicable or infectious disease cannot be eliminated or reduced by reasonable accommodations, well...the ADA offers exemptions!

So where a mask or order your damn food online and stop being assholes to essential workers about it.
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And be kind, we're all dealing with tough, unprecedented situations, and everyone you meet is going through something.

Be helpful, be courteous, and think about how to ease burden, not worsen.

Don't be difficult and ignorant just to be annoying.
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