in many “Latinx” homes it’s normal 4 ppl to live with their parents until they’re married, so whenever i see ppl in the U.S. tweet condescending things ab ppl that live w their family it reminds me how much difficulty y’all have understanding ur experience is not universal.
coming from a family of blk/indigenous immigrants seeking refuge from the normalized, inhumane conditions in their country of birth, w members that have arrived here both “legally” n “not,” sticking together is one of my family’s top priorities. so yes, we live together.
my 33 yr old sister has two kids and she’s roommates with my 30yr old brother and his partner. i live w fam but if I left another member would just move in bc to my us it just makes more sense to share material responsibilities amongst ourselves. it’s always been this way.
also, as a queer person that has had years worth of issues with my fam to get them to respect my boundaries so that i can now drink, smoke, have ppl over, leave whenever i want... it was not easy but i have a healthier relationship with them too.
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