hey i wanna do this i think
going 2 per like, here we go:

1. i'm going to assume that title screen music also means the music before the title screen:
also gonna do the hard mode thing so i'm knocking yakuza 0 out early

2. this might work better under "song you love for a game you hate" but this shit knocks:
3. Shatterhand's whole OST as one youtube video was in my playlist for a very long time:
4. "Console exclusive series" basically just means "favorite nintendo song", right?
5. shining force's map theme is, for some reason, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of either shining force or map themes:
6. so many songs from Octopath Traveler jump out, particularly the snow areas. I fell in love with h'annit's theme the first time I heard it:
7. another for the eventual "song you love from the game you hate" category, i passed up the entire Furi soundtrack to just post this one instead:
8. the 60 seconds you hear of this song before a round of Gambit starts in Destiny 2 is almost good enough to make you forget you're about to play Gambit:
9. 12 year old bryan used to loop this shit on the TV while i did homework. the song just makes you feel strong
10. i've accepted that history is just gonna be wrong about the FF13 series but i will go down swinging defending the soundtrack
11. backstory time, I played all of Ghost Trick in a single sitting back in 2011 and I have never forgotten Jowd's theme. the whole OST was basically the soundtrack to me walking to and from school for 3 or 4 months and this one always pumped me up:
12 - music that makes you sad: i love the nier soundtrack. can't wait to play nier someday
13 - song you like from a game you don't: this one took longer because i zoned out thinking about games i liked instead of the ones i don't, but here's this:
14 - music featuring vocals: i think Metal Gear Rising opened my eyes to the "song evolving over the course of the fight" bit, and no game has done it quite as well since then
15 boss theme: I think SMRPG might've been the first game where I really paid attention to the music in a game as a child
16 - 16-bit: along that same thread, here's donkey kong country, which - along with super mario rpg - maybe has one of my favorite game soundtracks ever:
17 - music you never get tired of: alright real shit, i'm pissed at this whole thread for not having a single category or listing for fighting games. which is why you now have to listen to my favorite fighting game track of all time:
18 - song released during my birth year: when Streets of Rage 4 got announced a while ago, it hit me i've never listened to the original games' soundtracks. they're all really, really fucking good! streets of rage 2 came out in 1992! here's this one!
that's my last one for now. it's been a quiet night so far so it was fun to go back and revisit a lot of old game osts. sorry if this ended up being too much from me all at once
sneaking in 19 bc it’s super important to me. i realize it’s prob asking for a rearrange of another game’s song for their own game, but I really wanna just post this cover of radical dreamers from chrono cross. i show it to all my friends at least once:
nobody asked but I'm gonna finish this out because I had a lot of fun with it before and I'm weirdly talkative tonight.

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