Day 26.

1. Firaon is the worst person in the entire history of mankind. He's such a despicable person that he's compared to Iblees. He's also the only person who has been repeatedly mentioned in Quran with contempt and disgust.
2. He's someone who has butchered small babies, he's killed the male children and let females live. The latter part is as disturbing as it gets.
3. He's so powerful that nobody dared to look him in the eye. He's full of arrogance which can be noted from him calling himself 'the highest God'.
4. So you get a picture of who he is. Now on the diametrically opposite end, there's Jibreel. The chief of Angels. Jibreel is the only angel with whom Allah directly communicates, there's no intermediary between Jibreel and Allah.
5. Some angels Allah directly speak at times, some receive messages via Jibreel but with Jibreel there's direct line of communication. And Jibreel is also the nearest to Allah in proximity.
6. Jibreel knows Allah better than anyone else, he's been there when Iblees was created then when Adam was created, then when Iblees refused to bow down, when Adam sinned, then when Allah forgave Adam, he's seen it all from Adam to present day.
7. He's uprooted nations and showered them fire because Allah asked him to so on and so forth.

Now there comes a time when Jibreel meets Firaon. Firaon is drowning in Nile, Jibreel comes and shoves his mouth with dirt in order to prevent Firaon from proclaiming Shahadah.
8. Scholars note that since Jibreel knows Allah better than anyone, Jibreel was afraid that if Firaon repented while drowning Allah might forgive him!
9. This just displays the magnanimity of Allah when it comes to forgiving people. The fact that even after Firaon killed babies Allah sent Musa to him and if he had followed Musa, Allah would've certainly forgiven his past.
10. Allah sent one of his favourite Prophet to Firaon so that he may repent. Allah didn't give up on Firaon, Jibreel was afraid Allah might forgive him in his last moments.

The fact that you're still breathing means Allah hasn't given up on you yet, don't give up on yourself.
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