🚨NEW DATA🚨 >> Anti-science protesters mad about social distancing may have spread #coronavirus to towns throughout the US. Data maps show likely protesters traveling to rural communities, potentially infecting friends & neighbors, prolonging this crisis. Here’s Florida 👇(1/11)
Our committee has reviewed data from Michigan’s second anti-lockdown protest & its attendees’ movements throughout the state. Here's 👇 a time lapse data visualization of the 4/30 protest at the state capitol. (4/11)
Anti-lockdown protesters in WI on 4/24 traveled throughout the state & potentially spread #COVID19. A right-wing court later struck down the state's “Safer at Home” order, prematurely reopening the state & endangering lives. Here’s a map of the protesters👇 (5/11)
Despite the irresponsible pressure campaign from protesters and right-wing funders in Springfield, IL, on 5/1, @GovPritzker and @LoriLightfoot have been steadfast in their commitment to public health. This map👇shows protestors traveling to rural towns and Chicago. (6/11)
On April 19, protesters demonstrated in Denver, CO. As seen below, likely attendees of the protest -- many of whom wore no mask and engaged in high risk behavior for contracting #coronavirus-- traveled to all corners of the state. 👇 (7/11)
This map👇 shows interstate travel of CO protesters. Likely protest attendees traveled to 13 different states, potentially spreading #coronavirus to communities across the country. REMINDER! Rural communities often do not have the resources to respond to local outbreaks (8/11)
Some Notes On the Data:

CTP contracted with VoteMap to obtain these datasets. VoteMap aggregates anonymous, opted in, cookie-free data from app publishers.

These totals represent the number of devices represented in each map:

WI: 174
CO: 1717
FL: 565
MI: 858
IL: 176

VoteMap’s data meets the rigorous standard of General Data Protection Regulations for the European Union as well as the California Consumer Privacy Act and Washington Privacy Act. (10/11)
A final note: These protests are dangerous & @realDonaldTrump and the political networks that encourage these protests must be held accountable for encouraging irresponsible behavior that put American lives at risk. /end
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