When the diabetes specialist nurse recommends a complete overhaul of all the adjustments he just made to that patient’s insulin management.
Dealing with a patient in status on the ward.
Thankfully anaesthetics sort the status and take the patient to ICU via scan. He’s still happy to take the credit.
He tells the registrar that they are presenting at today’s journal club, which starts in 5 minutes.
When the registrar is fumbling the journal club presentation.
Hearing that the outlier team have freaked over a low-normal ‘basal’ cortisol taken at 9pm.
Orthopaedics call and suggest a patient with osteomyelitis should be transferred under his care as they’re not going to operate.
Receives a referral for a one off raised calcium without the referrer having bothered with a PTH.
Receives a referral from a concerned FY2 in oncology as a patient on immunotherapy seems to be addisonian.
When the medical students present a patient starting with a five-generation family history.
Asking politely if anyone has seen the CD keys.
Poignant messages for his junior colleagues at changeover.
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