1/ We are focussed on ventilation quantity to reduce risk of COVID-19 and that is not all that matters.
2/ Ventilation pathway matters too. Does ventilation air get contaminated by another source before it gets to you?
3/ Ventilation velocity matters. Airflows can cause/enhance resuspension from surfaces.
4/ Ventilation influences humidity. One of my fears about next winter is that we are going to ventilate/heat more leading to more spread of droplets and increased susceptibility.
5/ Ventilation influences comfort. Occupants will defeat ventilation changes if it negatively influences their comfort.
6/ Ventilation brings in outdoor air contaminants. In some environments we are trading one harm for another.
7/ Practical advice: Ventilate well, but carefully. Go to Andy and Lisa's webinar tomorrow https://www.isiaq.org/docs/COVID-19_PersilyNg_May19.pdf
8/ I should have added 2 things. Ventilation cross contamination (exhaust air getting reentrained) and mixing causing increased indoor dispersion are other potential ventilation issues to consider.
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