If it’s been a minute since you’ve read 2 Kings 5, does it ever speak. Naaman’s “an important man...a valiant warrior but he had a skin disease.” Learns of Elisha, goes to his door w/an entourage. Elisha sends someone out to tell him to wash 7X in the Jordan. Stomps off furious.
Naaman says in his outrage, “I was telling myself: he will surely come out, stand & call on the name of the Lord his God & wave his hand over the place & cure the skin disease.” He wanted something spectacular. Some hand-waving, crowd-rousing holy hocus-pocus. Not, “go wash 7X.”
His servants say, “my father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, wouldn’t you have done it? How much more should you do it when he only tells you, ‘wash & be clean’?” So he does it & he’s healed. Helped miraculously like a nameless widow & 2 nameless boys in Ch4.
God’s the big deal. Not us. He can think it and make it so. Speak it and it’s done. He need not have someone wave hands wildly on His behalf. Sometimes God is not nearly as dramatic as we want him to be. He just gives us a simple direction and says, “Now go do it. Over and over.”
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