Across 🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇮🇹🇩🇪🇪🇸🇫🇷🇰🇷 in 0-19 year olds (14 in USA)

▶️Total pop = 135,391,226
▶️Estimated deaths in 3 months = 36,710
▶️COVID-19 deaths = 43

▶️▶️ COVID-19 deaths as % of all deaths = 0.117%

*The main reason we are keeping children at home is to protect adults*

A couple weeks ago, @jbagaria2 & I spent a long painful time trawling 7 countries statistical reports (so you didn't have to!) - the @InedFr compilation was brilliantly helpful

Our question: "how dangerous has COVID-19 been so far for children?"

This was in the spirit of @Hansrosling & the brilliant

As twitter bio states:

"The *stress-reducing* habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts" we wanted to know some numbers 3/8
So up till 12 May, how many #COVID19 deaths in Italian 10-19 year olds?

▶️ Zero

And 0-9 year olds?

▶️ Three

In the much bigger USA (0-14 population >60 million)?

▶️ Nine

Our BMJ response with data on England, Germany, Spain, France & Korea too: 4/8
We argue in our BMJ rapid response that the direct impact of #COVID19 on children is small.

There isn't such thing as *zero* risk but currently #COVID19 deaths across these seven countries account for around 1 in a thousand of all deaths...


**The main reason we are keeping children at home during #COVID19 is to protect adults**

This is a fact. It's one that needs public debate.

Our BMJ rapid response expands on this & data table here: 

Our conclusion:
This could change as the virus evolves, and the key has to be to release children so that they can play, see friends, connect, release, enjoy, and do childhood... whilst keeping the pandemic under close watch 7/8
I'm extremely interested in (other) parents views - In our view, at the present time, parents should be reassured

& what do child health professionals think? @m_heys @PascoFearon @ingridjohanna66 @blair_mitch @DrNickTwit @apsmunro @LittleDoctorVic @ejlim8

You can follow @sunilbhop.
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