@seanlclancy The disgusted girlfriend is last week's thread. The lady in red is starting a new thread. The distracted boyfriend is an easy tweet to get it going again.
The distracted boyfriend is green grass. The disgusted girlfriend is this side. The lady in red is the other side.
The disgusted girlfriend is Christmas Eve. The distracted boyfriend is Christmas Day. The lady in red is Boxing/Stephen's Day.
The lady in red is Stephen's Day. The distracted boyfriend is Ireland. The disgusted girlfriend is England.
The disgusted girlfriend is planes. The lady in red is trains. The distracted boyfriend is automobiles.
The distracted boyfriend is rhythm. The disgusted girlfriend is and. The lady in red is blues.
You can follow @andyingamells.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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