"You're causing another gamergate" is a meaningless threat. We're all trapped in a never ending hell of weekly gamergates. Sometimes there's 2 or 3 going on at once. https://twitter.com/KEEMSTAR/status/1262202724805939201
So far I'd say this has the makings of a type 3 Gamergate

1) previously obscure internet figure who
2) achieves a more or less insignificant amount of power
3) and reliably generates content for cringe farmers.
This time next week we'll probably all know her name and maybe a few facts about. We'll also all know at least one guy who's *really* into following this and tells it's important.
By this time next month it will be completely forgetten.
As for the possibility of this turning into a type 4 or 5 Gamergate. Im not too worried, the burn rate would be hot in the current climate and it would fizzle out.
Damn, I need an editor https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1262291990093246464
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