watching star trek tng for the first time and.... it owns...?
make it so number one!!!
also deanna troi's lipstick and headbands? incredible
this show is very silly, makes me lightly ponder deeper questions, and feels incredibly safe and calming. i want to watch it All
(and no ive never watched any star trek before)
im in love with captain picard................
also obsessed with this dress. it looks so comfy
I really like Dr. Pulaski. Also I'm watching S2E7 and it's all about quarantine đŸ˜©
since im staying totally in for the next 2 weeks and am waiting on book proofs...... might as well binge all of tng?????????
anyway, pulaski > crusher
me snacking on yr piping hot takes
this blue dude is bad news!!!!
i like her
eating some gagh
*fans self*
omg "the measure of a man" was such a good episode
this episode is just stone foxes in sweetass 70s jumpsuits
every episode of tng is like "what if we could resolve this seeming gulf with reasonable discussion," and then they do
my little known cameo in this show
oh dang when they made this show fermat's theorem had been solved, and apparently the writers assumed no one had solved it by the 24th century either
this show is relentlessly positive but in an almost sneaky way
i want a good confident docking
oh i see. everyone on the enterprise has daddy issues
anyway theyre throwing a bar mitzvah for worf and its cute
everyone on this show has an ass you could bounce a quarter off
in 2020, "kidnapped by Q" has a different resonance
a question i also have!!
oh shit its the borg. help i cant stop watching
john lurie's fey, manic energy as Q is a wonder
geordi la forge got captured by space hicks! doctors in the 24th century dress like medieval jesters!
passing out now cant wait to get back on the enterprise tomorrow 😍
oh my god riker just got seduced by a spirited irishwoman
I love this show to pieces
she's very horny!!!!! i love her!
luwaxana troi is instantly iconic. i wish to be her
in this episode picard becomes a PI named "Dix" on the holodeck to avoid the advances of a deeply horny lwaxana troi. this show is.... God Tier
already starting to have a Pavlovian reaction of complete relaxation and joy to the TNG theme
obsessed with this sexy klingon lady and her many spandex jumpsuits
are there any lady captains in other trek series
i was so scared to watch star trek because of all the lore and passion and immensity of the world, but im glad i overcame that fear bc TNG is an utter delight
gonna boldly say this hot take tho, wesley crusher? annoying
TNG: Let's learn some heartwarming lessons about each other... in space!
yes....... resolve it peacefully zaddy.........
season 2 is WAY too early for a clips episode, TNG.
just found out im in a neo nazi kill list video of journalists, so plunging straight into Season 3 it is. oh hey, ken jenkins!
they even have a peaceful and reasonable negotiation with NANITES
time for some relaxing mozart with Data the Violinist
Time to argue contract law with aliens that look like dank nuggs/tar blobs. While Picard is space lawyering, Data found a hottie on this planet
me: *whispering to no one, as i watch star trek* thats them trekking through the stars
obviously reading @FashionItSo as i go along, bc this blue dress!!!!!
obsessed with this look
these space sovereign citizens are wild (ep 3.03, "the survivors")
wait so this dude admits to doing a genocide and picard is just like "hmmm. u were sad. i cant judge u"???? ?????????
oH MY gOD look at these shorts and boots on riker!!!!!!!!!
time for another deep philosophical debate about the prime directive lads
"who watches the watchers" is *wild*. also very deeply atheistic! and it made me cry also
Wait why ARE there kids and like a thousand random people on the enterprise as it tools around the galaxy?
not saying im emotional lately but i teared up,,,
how dare tiddy sweater christi reject GEORDI LA FORGE
really digging this space mennonite outfit
i had two separate intense panic attacks today over grocery procurement so HELLO SeASON 3 EPISODE 7. geordi la forge is in trouble!!!!!!!!
that bitch lassie nowhere to be found when geordi is stuck in a well
i love BOLDLY GOING WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE and refuse to ever skip the intro
levar burton is really bringing everything he has to this show as Geordi and i love it. @levarburton you are an icon even when you're stuck in a space well
this hair (wig?) AND blush situation are working for me
this show is so emotional!!!!!!
ooooh a slick-haired hired gun?!?! deanna is intrigued
kinda looks like a young bill pullman
you don't just stick your hands in curly hair!!!!!!!! that upset me
its still frizzy from what he did!!!!! im mad
my plans 2020
its really inconvenient that horniness interferes with betazoid telepathy
a man saying "you could help me change..." is like, fifty thousand red flags!!! good choice troi
riker is SO SMOOTH and id let him taste my spiced parthasdish
"Your ambushes would be more successful if you bathed more often!"
space louts!!!! im drinking now
seduce the chef-assassin riker!!!!
you cant just seduce every woman you come across, riker. some are ageless chef-murderers
data randomly performing henry v and i Love It
damn romulans always going into the neutral zone!!!!!!
i guess you can't have patrick stewart NOT pensively recite shakespeare
the true tragedy of the federation-romulan conflict are these haircuts
low key thinking i may name my firstborn son jean-luc
it's a pretty good name
Ok the action on this show is pure Hanna-Barbera. there's a Hot Prisoner in this one
this guy is Space Rogue Beto O'Rourke
*edward snowden has entered the chat*
Space Beto has a hot butt
don't build supersoldiers, won't have to fight supersoldiers
The Gang Discusses The Origin and Morality of Terrorism
i'll say this for high-waisted pants: excellent for propping up a flat butt
oh man is there a distress signal the enterprise has to investigate?! will things get complicated - but not TOO complicated? will we discuss a larger topic obliquely in space? probably!!! *tugs down starfleet uniform*
IT'S Q AGAIN i love him
i like that the Federation fits out inexplicable nudity in..... this fetching number
it's Starfleet regulation that every random, unnamed and unrecurring member of the Enterprise crew has to be a stone cold hottie
Whoopi Goldberg is *amazing* in this show tbh
disavow your zaddiness zaddy..... Yes.....
q has a qousin!
Picard paints nudes?!!!!
trekkies please let me discover ds9 in my own time đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
a murder mystery..... on the Holodeck?!(!,!
Riker testifying that he was hit on by a space MILF
oh no........ space rape rashomon......... this is so uncomfortable
what an upsetting episode :(
I need to take a break. booooo.
my impression of "yesterday's enterprise" is what the hell is going on
skipping season 1 did not aid me here
glad they gave whoopi more screentime but damn, guinan's character arc in this episode ("yesterday's enterprise") is whiplash-inducing. from bartender to supernatural deity/arbiter of fate and back again??
what the HELL is going on
patrick stewart could sell a nickel to the US treasury for $100. he is truly Acting
the complete earnestness of this show's performances, regardless of how silly the material is, is astounding and endearing
also i stan troi and her amazing hair, dresses and mind all across the galaxy
i cant handle this
yo imagine just being able to shut off your kid
this episode was written by mansplainers, i feel
I just want there to be Guinan in every episode
i laughed OUT LOUD
we must imagine sisyphus an android
man..... Too Real
I am on to Season 3 episode 17, "The Sins of the Father," and so far a random Klingon is being a real jerkwad
also thank you for bearing with me as i slowly, steadily eat my way through these delicious seasons
computer I need 10 chocolate sundaes and the rest of season 3
I enjoy that Picard designed a fancy menu specifically for his Klingon guest
OH SHIT IT'S WORF'S BROTHER. wait worf has a dad?!?!?!
klingonville looks cool as shit
i want a "ready room" tbh
i admire the klingon commitment to violence and brutalist architecture
can i buy a klingon dagger.........those things are sick
Even in Klingon, @SirPatStew is Acting
this cloak is....... Something
think i saw this outfit on a paris runway once
me, when a troll slides into my mentions
my viewing companions... feel like troi would approve
season 3 ep 18: oh shit picard got kidnapped!!!!!! by a ... floating marble slab??
oh no his captors are making him eat space jello
oh no fake picard has taken advantage of the trust real picard has built up
Why can't Troi sense an alien presence?!
poor picard... imprisoned with Space Teen Wolf and a sentient Ikea lampshade
dang.... this ROBE......
damn........... i am rooting for it but only with real picard!!! this is so wrong
he's singing a sea shanty and everyone is crying foul!!!!!!
mutiny on the enterprise!!!!!!
two picards and dov charney in full american apparel
tng really said dismantle the carceral state
how picard says "beverly"
vacation fashions!!!!
this episode ("The Captain's Holiday") brought to you by the male gaze
brb displaying a hor'gahn in my window to seek jamaharon
incredible space mankini scenes
Vash-- incredible fashions!!
space indiana jones looks... this episode is Serving
i want both these space vacation 'fits
any episode with Q powerfully reminds me of this SNL sketch
starting a new thread bc this one is long as hell, continues here:
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