im going to make a thread of me watching shippuden
i got past the sasori fight and now sai and yamato just showed up and tbh i forgot what happens with them and i wasnt paying attention just now
shippuden ost be like Gregorian chant line over japanese instruments
damn the gay boy is gonna see naruto soon
the funniest part of this arc is when sasuke blows up the base because sai woke him up
and then kabuto saying he gets into a bad mood when u wake him up. bitch loser baby sasuke canon
sasukes here and All this finally feels real
completely forgot that asuma was related to the third hokage lol
holy shit i got go the broken youth ending
rip asuma i bet he had a fat ass
oh its the edgy episode thats animated really well. ive never seen this one
this is directed really well so far...
hidan just chilling in a hole for the rest of his life Love that
also shikamaru saying fuck your god I am god now
suigetsu is annyoing because he acts gay
sasuke and suigetsu just chilling in public i have no memory of this
i hate sasuke from this part of the story hes just a dick
jiraiya joking with tsunade about betting whether he'll come back dead or alive🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
i realize the screaming pain
hearing loud in my brain
but im going straight ahead
with this scar
ive never seen jiraiya get his shit kicked in in anime form so this is exciting
this fight is boring i wanna get to itachi and sasuke noscoping eachother
all i can think of while watching them fight is akatsuki gets noscoped
anyway, this is sasuke and itachi fighting
ALSO when it goes into itachi's 1st person view and its blurry and he cant even see sasukes face :-(
itachi :'-((((((((((((((((((
this is the point where sasuke just goes batshit crazy and we love that
GOD the rest of the pain arc still has so many episodes left amd theyve already attacked tje village
blah blah Pain fight bring back the $5 footlong
i kant lie tho this opening slaps
kakashi <3
KFKSKSK tsunade just punched a pillar to pieces in rage. wall-punching gamers wish they were her
kakashi really died and came back to life
ino's dad really has an extreme mullet
naruto being in another realm while konoha is under attack is an epic fail
hinata couldve died during the pain fight and naruto would have a better plot
i do not remember tjis part im watching from the manga like at all lol
bruh now i know why guys in high school thought this shit was the coolest this is actually pretty great
the opening started halfway through the episode ....
naruto is more sad about hinata fighting for him than kakashi fucking DYING
bruh kakashi really coudlve been dead forreal if nagato hadnt had the powers of God
kakashi saying bye to his dad and his dad says "i can finally go see your mother":'-(
diver op
i missed ed 15 because it was for a bunch of filler :(
this one time zetsu has dialogue also happens to be some of the best line delivery out of the whole series so far lol
it looks like theyre starting to lose their budget because half this episode has been still wide shots with no animation
sasuke just not giving a fuck letting his brain do what it wants
he be on the ceiling
whys kisame just a nice old dude (despite being a criminal) like remember when he told itachi to take cover from the rain so he doesnt get a cold
sakura saying she loves naruto LYING to him youre better than this sakura
rest in pieces kisame he was a polite old man
bruh why this one line kakashi had sound like he was right up against my ear talking to me in asmr mode
kakashi probably had enough of naruto and sasukes bullshit from the moment they were fighting on the rooftop like he really had enough of these kids
sasuke saying he'll revive the uchiha clan Bro ur gay u cant procreate
damn kisame lived?
op 10 makes me feel happy
ED 20
this ninja war shit boring as hell
nothing quite like when they use the same 16 year old voice for the 7 year old main characters when theres a flashback
i have not tweeted once about sasuke's [threatening country music] but ive had enough. why are they playing it when its 7 year old sasuke on screen. what did he do.
*sees sasuke*
this fuckn guy
naruto calling sasuke names like poop and diarrhea Go get em boy
i am at least halfway through the canon episodes i think
this random ninja confessing to sakura wouldve been a better husband tham sasuke
itachi saying he tried to do things all by himself but he failed :'-
opening 13 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
shit this is a long canon arc
holy shit og madara is here
love <3
is this the ending i think its gonna be for this bunch
opening 13 best animated dont talk to me
obito is just madara kin
its time for sasukes mini arc with itachi
suigetsu joining sasukes group just bc he wants to beat his ass later
sasuke finding itachi and demanding more answers while itachi essentially tells him hes busy is funny
tsunade being epic rn
THIS ENDING idk which number it is anymore but its the emo sasuke one
that means the next ending is the obito one and i love it the song is good but its so angsty and overdramatic its so good
kabutos character is really sad but i can only see him as the ninja info cards guy
two more episodes until That part
i wasnt crying until the part where hes showing sasuke his memories and its where his parents are telling itachi stuff before he kills them
ok my crunchyroll trial ended
sasuke is such a younger sibling like itachi just wanted to protect the ppl he loved and told him he'll love him unconditionally then sasukes like Damn im gonna take that to heart and kill my friends
I JIST REALIZED obito gave kakashi his left sharingan eye as a gift for kakashi becoming a jonin
he even said it in this flashback that played before i was not paying attention
got to this part
ending 28... yessssssssss
so much actually happened this part wow
i kinda go by the openings since theyre a but of an outline but a lot happened with this opening
this is the arc where neji dies...........................
suigetsu just here for a laff
the way sasuke said sorry in the most passive way possible to karin for stabbing her
u kno what is up when u see this
35 more episodes
op 17
thats it thats the tweet
yes gai time
a lot of this thread is me talking about how good the openings are but its true
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