White women in STEM, this isn't hard, you are not URM. As an Indian woman, I am not URM either! Do we have our own unique experiences of sexism (for all women) and racism (for all POC), yeah, but that does not make us URM, which means a specific thing in US academia.
This does not mean I think URM is perfectly defined. Varied experiences within the South Asian community (like caste oppression), political histories of different South East Asian immigrant groups (like Vietnamese American) are nuances "URM" needs to expand to include.
There are very specific reasons as to why Black, Latinx and Native Americans are considered URM, whereas all POC, or all women aren't. We really should stop speaking over these groups or hogging resources from them.
Furthermore, being on diversity committees and panels with white women physicists has taught me that even as a NOT-URM WOC, my experiences could not be further from theirs, so it's especially infuriating to see them try to coopt the experiences of my URM colleagues.
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