I believe Tara Reade. As well as Eva Murry, Lucy Flores, D.J. Hill, Vail Kohnert-Yount, Sofie Karasek, Caitlyn Caruso and Ally Coll. I'm also an adult and realize that just believing something doesn't make it provable. But something that can be proven:

Biden's body count. 1/14
We invade Grenada to kill the budding socialist government and then the island into a golf resort for the uber-rich, bombing a hospital in the process. Biden approves, says "the right thing to do." 2/14
Then we bomb Libya in '86, 36 dead civilians including Gaddafi's 15-month old daughter. Biden says out-fucking-loud: "...Gaddafi asked for and deserves a response like this."

Yeah, that guy? What were we supposed to do? NOT kill his baby? 3/14
3 years later? Biden supports the Panama invasion. 2-3000 civilians killed and hastily buried--"like dogs" is a description that gets quoted a lot in relation to this. Biden describes this as "appropriate and necessary."

And we've only covered 9 out of 45 years here. 4/14
Lets just take a break from war crimes (there are plenty more to get to). Let's talk domestic policy between his past as a segregationist, eventually evolving into the guy who drafted the bill that would eventually segregate 1/3rd of black males from the rest of society. 5/14
I'm almost sorry (not really though) to have even mentioned it here because a short form app is not the place to really even attempt to calculate the number of lives lost and ruined by this ravenous meat machine he and the '94 Democrats cobbled together from hate and greed. 6/14
So doubling back to the bloodsoaked war crimes parade.

He was against the Bush family's original Iraq invasion! Rather vocally. Then like, five minutes went by any he realized that this particular war crime was popular among ghouls and then hopped right on board. 7/14
Then his vote to authorize the Kosovo (depleted uranium) bombings. The effects are still evident today; Serbia has the highest cancer rates anywhere in the region. Biden gave a cheeky lil speech there warning leadership about "the cancer of corruption" because he is a demon. 8/14
Then Iraq War II and Afghanistan. I'm finding this physically exhausting just to write about. Do I have to explain these? Millions dead, a literal holocaust between the two regions. Biden was one of the biggest supporters. 9/14
I can't stress that I haven't even covered everything and the crime bill itself merits an endless litany.

It's a matter of indisputable historical fact that Biden has had (at least) a hand in the brutal ending and abrupt ruination of millions and millions of lives. 11/14
Why is so much energy wasted on trying to hang him on the unprovable hook of whether or not he forced a hand in Tara Reade? No names named, don't need to: find anyone dropping #IBelieveTaraReade and you'll scarcely find mention of *any* of Biden's crimes against humanity. 12/14
Hell, this thread is probably one of the few places on the whole of Twitter where all of Biden's accusers have been named in one location. I believe every last one. I believe there are many, many, many more. The man is objectively a monster. 13/14
But not one of those harrassments, assaults or rapes are likely to ever be proven the way this man's war crimes are. They are literal historical fact. Verified and codified.

Why the hell is Tara Reade more important than a few million corpses? 14/14
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