A Sunday night thread about a curious thing.
Four years ago, MAGA Nation said "Just you wait! You'll get yours! When Trump is in, he'll change it all!"
Now we're told: "Landslide! This time! You'll pay!"
I still don't really know what they thought would happen, then or now. /1
I remember in 2016 being told how people like me - the elites, or something - were going to finally pay for their crimes. Instead, Trump passed giant tax cuts and made people like me richer while he impoverished farmers with a trade war no one really understands. /2
Abortion is still legal, gays are still gay-marrying. Hollywood is still Hollywood. He's made household names of people like Rick Wilson. The media are doing fine. (If anything, Trump's been a boon to the New York Times and other newspapers.) You'd think this would matter. /3
Meanwhile, poor white people are still poor and white, and looked down upon by the elites more than they ever were; their towns are still dying. Their cultish attempt at mass political suicide gave Dems a wave win. A majority does not approve of Trump, and never will. /4
I mean, I get why rich GOPers love Trump's unregulated capitalism. But working/middle class whites didn't get much other than just *feeling good about other people being mad*. They got some crumbs while Trump pointed at the gains of a stock market they're not in (but I am). /5
Overseas, we're in deep kimchee. We nearly had a war with Iran and two strikes on Syria. We're as "forever warring" as before. The armed forces are cash-rich, but a political wreck, as Trump undermines basic principles of U.S. civil-military relations at will. /6
I guess I get it: It's been four years of gorging on "we won, and you hate it," but I have to be honest: I've done okay. The market stayed afloat on a sugar buzz whose bill will come due after I retire, when I'm collecting on that 401K Trump pumped up. What did Trumpers get? /7
And now, the thing all the Never Trump guys warned about - a major crisis - has happened. And I can't imagine there's anyone who thinks Clinton - or Biden - would have handled this worse than Jared F'n Kushner. But they're all in for 2020, so that they can finally achieve...? /8
For all of my bloviation and teasing and trolling of the Trump people, I still can't really bring myself to believe that people are willing to keep hurting themselves just because they think it's detrimental to *me* in some way, with years of evidence that it isn't. /9
As Howard Stern said, they've had four years to realize how much Trump actually hates them. They buy the rally bullshit, but Trump's contempt for the working class has never been more evident than during this pandemic. They could all die tomorrow for all he cares. /10
And yet here we are, with the same people saying that *this* time, boy, Trump's really gonna do that thing that we all want him to do even though we have no idea what it is except it's gonna be awesome and Obamagatey. So it goes. /11x
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