Profile in Bitterness: She knows she shouldn’t care about H&M’s lifestyle since they’re not taxpayer funded but still does b/c they’re compelling & she likes gossip as much as the next person. She knows she shouldn’t read the “cruddy sources” but she cites them verbatim.

She’s admittedly desperate for H&M news despite work done by other royals. She longs for their messages of empathy & mindfulness while mocking it as “carey, sharey” platitudes.She lauds clapping for the NHS, but can’t be bothered about the funds Harry helped raise for WellChild.+
She is contemptuous of the US & “Hollywood” but can name every celebrity w/in a 5-mile radius of Tyler Perry’s house. She can quote the number of bedrooms & baths but not the £112K H&M directed to Feeding Britain. She finds an LA mansion ostentatious but palaces are utilitarian.+
She zealously follows Meghan’s lawsuit but thinks their policy of “zero engagement” with UK tabloids is tone deaf in a pandemic. Yet, she is deaf, dumb, & blind to how engaged H&M have been with UK patronages & charities supporting vulnerable communities at risk from COVID-19. +
She’s disappointed in Harry w/ the envy of a jealous ex who “thought Harry cared abt me too” though it’s clear his happiness is of little import to her.She’s heartbroken that the relatability & “seeming indifference to status” she once found charming extended to his status too.+
She claims to find H&M “myopic, materialistic, & mundane”. The irony is that the same could be said of her rabid interest in them & none of those things will keep her from devouring the next tabloid story.

Woman thy name is Jo @jellison...or Emily, Nancy, Allison,Sarah,...Karen.
You can follow @royal_suitor.
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