MJ guilters, let's be honest here. You're not about the safety of children or are fighting against sexual assault in general. According to your tweets, you ONLY care about painting #MichaelJackson as a pedo. While we're being honest, most of you already believed that way...
...before Leaving Neverland was even a thought. The film just re-energized your prejudices. And I know some of you made that conviction after watching the film and suddenly, that's the only thing you tweet about. Y'all are obsessed with painting Jackson as guilty and while...
...being stans of Wade "can't dance for shit" Robson, James "I'm not a victim of child molestation but I played one on TV" Safechuck and Dan "This is not about Michael Jackson, this is about Michael Jackson" Reed. And you're so committed, you don't give a fuck about the...
...issue itself. According to your tweets, you don't care about ACTUAL people accused of the same crime, the ACTUAL victims of such crimes or that false accusations are a THING. You're not even open-minded enough to wonder about what was said in the film, and you don't want to...
...because you're hooked on making yourselves look morally and intellectually superior to Jackson's fans-probably and especially since the media refuses to criticize the film, so the accusations must be true in your mind-and just to pander for as much attention as...
...possible. You KNOW how MJ's fans are. And you hope your anti-MJ tweets will get them riled up enough to respond to you with information you could care less about. You think they're insane, but YOU'RE the ones who constantly tweet about your "Michael Jackson is a pedophile"...
...thoughts ad nauseum. So, I don't think you really care about victims of sexual assault or the issue of rape or child molestation in general. If you did, you won't be tweeting about the flimsy accusations against a dead man almost exclusively.
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