mystic messenger characters and why they deserve to be cancelled
zen / hyun ryu
- being too sexy ahaha😼
- ghosting the chatroom to go the spa
- his inner beast that comes out at night💔💔💔
yoosung kim
- existing
jaehee kang
- simping too hard for zen
- being a closet theater kid
- pretty much just zen related crimes, but can you blame her?
jumin han
- hates women
- republican
- home of sexual 🤢🤨
707 / saeyoung choi
- cat abuser
- legit scamming people
- mass robbery of honey buddah chips
v / jihyun kim
- faking legal documents to fake someone else’s death
- dying multiple times
- making me sad
saeran choi
- foot fetish???
- kidnapper
- giving me bad ending 4 times in a row
rika kim
- starting a cult🥰
- stabbing v😜
- likes dogs more than cats🤢
- ugly
- horrendous outfit
- he probably murdered someone at a point
- being a player
- bad decisions
- not having eyes👁👁
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