These are two examples of what's wrong, causing damage, distraction & delaying Indy

Both working on agenda's that put their political interests before Indy & people

Both Groups run block list, dirty tactics & us HATE

I condemn both groups
Both work within & outside of SNP & both groups have MSP, MP, member support

One lot HATE Women
One lot HATE Trans
Both are wrong!!

GRA is a disaster & should be abandoned

If you want to give Extra-Rights to anyone it should be the ill & #disabled, think #AusterityDeaths
Think of the Thousands of Scot's who've died from #Austerity & a #DWPDeathRegime, they really deserve extra help

Able bodied men who dress as women or see themselves as women do not need extra rights ( they already have them), they need extra toilets or jail wings
The other Group, the Wings Party called ISP are extremist haters of gay, trans & anyone who disagrees with the money grabbing LibDem voting, SNP hating RevStu ( who put me on a block list when outing his hateful treatment of Indy disabled twitter accounts)
Both extreme sides have split parts of Indy movement & both groups are infiltrated by UK State players who've thrived in hate fuelled debates
Both sides helping London

People need to stop, rethink, regroup & again act in unison, for we are close to acheiving

Argue after Indy
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