Television Series 'Billions' on Showtime (on twitter at @SHO_Billions --Thought for the day. Would your government ban this television show? Season 5, episode 3, showed the main actor (who dresses like a slob) literally blackmailing someone, and breaking other laws.
He is also teaching his son to break societal rules and encouraging borderline sociopathic behavior. Even the Billions psychologist says his son will be an alcoholic by age 28! (This psychologist is mainly there to advance manipulative psychology).
In addition to wearing old worn out clothes that are improperly ironed, the main actor fights with the other billionaires over petty matters. If they symbolically hugged each other, they would probably make ten times as much money, by
stopping the ridiculous infighting and backstabbing. One example of a good role-model billionaire is Jack Ma, who exhibits none of these ridiculous @SHO_Billions characteristics. Further, the entire premise of the show is based on a lie---that a random hedge fund can outperform
the returns of a stock market index (in this case the S&P 500). The Wall Street Journal had a news article, that showed the laughable returns of most hedge funds--they simply cannot outperform the market. It is one of those esoteric laws of the universe, like Pareto's 20%/80%.
Of the 2,000 hedge funds of the past ten years, the vast majority either went broke (by taking on much higher risks to beat the simple S&P 500), or have closed up shop. Maybe 20 years ago, when they first became popular, a few hedge funds could out perform the market, but now
the only way for a hedge fund to have the @SHO_Billions style returns, is either to be so big and respected, Warren Buffet style, that they get special case insider deals, or to go in the other direction and fudge the numbers like The Madoff style funds.
In fact, Bernie Madoff let people believe he had some special insider trading knowledge, and this was the reason for his high returns. This, of course, was not the case. THERE SIMPLY ARE NO HEDGE FUNDS THAT CAN BEAT THE MARKET WHILE HAVING THE SAME
RISK PROFILE OF THE S&P500. @SHO_Billions makes a big deal of investing public retirement monies for public retirement funds. Any public retirement trust that invests with hedge funds like this is taking on insane risk, and will probably lose their money.
At the very least, those public retirement funds are paying about ten times the fees they would pay for a simple hedge fund (in some cases 25 times the fees, all for less return while taking on more risk).
China does not tolerate this kind of financial corruption in their markets, and has strict rules about these kinds of behaviour. @SHO_Billions would not be very successful in China! (if this kind of profile existed in real life).
Also, @SHO_Billions is very insulting to the hard working men and women of the financial institutions of New York, who work long and hard, and don't engage in these kinds of financial corruption games. @SHO_Billions is also insulting to the political officials of the
government of the United States, and protrays them as bribe seeking hooligans. @SHO_Billions also insulted the law enforcement machinery of New York, by showing their chief courtroom official as being someone with certain personal problems, which I won't go into.
So, back to my first question: If you are the leader of another country, would you permit @SHO_Billions Billions television series in your country? What is your thinking? Would you can this television series in your country? Or is the reverse true...
That it is good to show this series, so that people can see the bad behaviour and reject it? And for this reason, would you ENCOURAGE @SHO_Billions in your country?
Also, I would like to touch on the @SHO_Billions business official called "Wags" (which I assume is related to the American phrase 'wag the dog'). (Wags was also interestingly a pro drug scientist in the television series 'Breaking Bad').
In the last episode of @SHO_Billions, Wags even found his own daughter as a sex worker in a alcohol club. In this seasons episode 3, he also turns out to have a vast number of fatherless children he has either abandoned or want no part of their lives.
(or they want no part of his life, it was unclear). @SHO_Billions should have an episode to see which of these people get struck by lightning, as fate no doubt catches up to them. Sure enough, Wags has a son that has come to Jesus, and episode 3 seems to
indicate that Wags will be given a chance to come to God, before no doubt being struck by lightning in the next episode. Wags seemed shocked by this, and didn't outright ridicule his chance for eternal life.
This seems kind of surprising, because it seems like Wags was headed to hell with gasoline shorts. In fact, all these people seem like they will not have a good time on Judgement Day.
Finally, episode 3 has the worst defense of capitalism that has ever been protrayed in film. The speech the main actor gives about capitalism (this is after he blackmailed the school, while teaching his son to have a life in conflict with the courts)
This protrayal was so bad, it makes a person wonder if this was meant to be a condemnation of capitalism. There was lots of non-sensical darwinistic 'I'm a capitalist-I hunt it-I catch it-I eat' language, equating hunter gathering tough guy
activity, with the business world. Equating these kinds of business shenanigans with technological and societal advancement. This is untrue, of course, as even the true marxist countries always rewarded hard work and innovation. Point in fact, the Soviet Union always rewarded its
inventors and people who came up with new discoveries. Truth be told, the kind of economic system advocated by @SHO_Billions will NOT reward any kind of achievement and is a thin disguise for an economic system that is only based on corruption. In short, such a system may provide
a good product, like an iPhone, but there will be not much beyond that. It will be a slow wither-on-the-vine system. @SHO_Billions type of economic activity could never produce a company like Huawei, with its vast technolocial advances.
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