A short story about why some teachers are cautious about the push for more children to be back in schools.
Once upon a time, just before lockdown in England, a teacher was supporting her children (3 and 4 year olds, most with ASD) to wash their hands before snack time.
This teacher was hardworking, committed and passionate about her pupils and her work (ask her colleagues and parents), and the children loved coming to nursery because it was lots of fun (evidenced by their excitement when she opened the door each morning).
Anyway, the teacher..
..was sat on a stool by the sink, in a small space, helping the 8 children wash their hands whilst she chatted to them (for she was used to and proficient at multi-tasking). A little boy was bouncing around just in front of her, talking at her (the children were still learning...
..about personal space and the 2 way nature of conversation). She smiled, nodded and encouraged him, thinking about how much his communication and confidence had improved. As she sat there, she felt a small drop of his saliva land in her mouth. "Ah, she thought, just another...
...typical day in an early years setting," as she finished helping the children wash their hands and went to sit down with them for snack time.
The next day that little boy was sent home from nursery with a persistent cough...
Thankfully, the child, the teacher and their...
..families were all okay, and will hopefully live happily for many more years to come, and enjoy being back in school, learning and teaching.
Reader, I was that teacher. And this is why I am cautious about having more children in school, when the numbers of infections and....
.. deaths from Covid-19 is still so high. When politicians are prepared to accept being in contact with bodily fluids on a daily basis, during a pandemic where a highly infectious and potentially lethal disease is doing the rounds in our communities, then I will welcome..
..my children back to nursery. Until then I will continue to support them with phone calls, emails, resource and play ideas, videos, social stories, negotiating EHCP amendments with the SEN team and battling for appropriate school places..
I love my job;I really miss my children, and I long for the day we can safely be back in nursery again.
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