Haaland for the last year has been a tricky player for me to accurately value. Current thoughts...

Think will win at least £8.34 in media divs alone over his career. Will win several PB a season due to braces/hatricks + Champs League knockout gold days.

= Feels underpriced.
Kimmich aged 25. Price £4.44.

Wins no/minimal media. So do I think he wins £4.44 in PB divs over next 9 years under the current div structure? I don't think he'll win 50p a year in his best year now he's a midfielder, let alone on average each and every year.

= Feels overpriced
Rashford. Age 22. Price £7.51

Roughly 12 years left in his career. Will he average 62p a year in divs under current payouts? I think he’ll win about 60p in media alone next year. Prob about the same in PB as well. Hasn’t peaked on or off pitch yet either.

= Feels underpriced
Lets do another interesting player; Gnabry £4.74

With 8-9 years left (think wide forwards who have high acceleration decline quicker), can see 55p+ in a v.good year (mainly PB not much media) but dont think averages 55p per season with current div payout.

= Feels bit overpriced
A real FI favourite: Adil Aouchiche. Age 17, £2.16

So hard to price players a) under 20 + b) those that haven’t played much 1st team football. With so little info, it makes any bet very risky, given failure rate of young players.

= Hard to price. Any price is a complete guess.
Bruno Fernandes, age 25, £10.34

I think if he would have won half the dividends he had, he would be worth about £10. Reckon he will be top PB winning mid next season (80p+) on the whole platform, with a lot of media (though less than this year; 70p+)

= Feels underpriced
Sancho. Aged 20. £13.56

The best young PB player. The best young MB player. Currently returning a crazy high yield for a 20 year old. Expect him to return his current price in divs by the age of 28.

= One of the most underpriced players on the platform
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