To understand inequality, economists & political scientists only take us so far. We need artists & musicians. Nina Simone’s Mississippi Goddam is a blunt lesson told to the privileged about their myths & lies. <thread> First, that the radicalism of the oppressed is the problem:
The second lie the privileged tell the oppressed is that if only they’d adjust their tone, be more polite, the privileged would give way. Nina Simone’s reply:
The third lie the privileged tell the oppressed is that they just have to wait. Take it slow. Nina Simone’s reply:
The fourth lie the privileged tell the oppressed - and tell themselves! - is that what is being discussed is how to get along, how to be friends, rather than justice, and power. Nina Simone’s reply:
The fifth lie the privileged tell the oppressed is that what all this needs is more investigation, more conversation, more exploration. But’s it’s not a lack of knowledge that’s the problem. As Nina Simone concludes:
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