Yes. Dinosaurs are real.
There are fundamental considerations necessary in order to go deeper into my perspective.

- The history of the Earth/Creation
- Catastrophism v. Uniformitarianism
- Gravity problems
- Plasma discharge and fossilization
- Implications for "Time" and scientific "dating" methods
Ok, let’s explore this. 

Keeping the eye single to the glory of God - dive deep with me here for a glimpse of my worldview and faith-promoting perspective on dinosaurs and the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you are a green member, ask questions!

Please keep an open mind
In my own passionate studies, I have found enough convincing evidence for me personally to believe that there are answers revealed to man concerning this to see how dinosaurs fit into the Plan of Salvation. This is the dispensation of the fullness of times.

Everything will fit.
Full disclaimer: I'm speaking of metaphorical meat and by personal opinion that transmutes as I acquire further light & knowledge.

If you do not have a foundation of Gospel KNOWLEDGE and a testimony of the Restoration through Joseph Smith - all of this will sound strange.
I'm going to elaborate on this warning b/c it is evident to me as it is evident to Elder Oaks, that many members (especially on Twitter) do not understand the Plan of Salvation.

If you are one of those members - this will be a rough thread and you probably dislike me already.
This is the dispensation of the fullness of times and we are nigh at the hour of His prophesied return.

Truth is being revealed all around us and we have the KEYS and tools to understand it.

But most Saints in fear, wait for Moses to speak and miss much
I am not going to baby this, it is the responsibility of every Latter-day Saint to learn and seek knowledge, revelation, and a deeper conversion, even to seek and covet the Gifts of the Spirit like prophecy or to commune with the Lord.
This commandment of education does not mean solely secular/academic pursuits - the stronger underlying foundation suggested here is to educate yourself in all things in order to understand the word of God who is creator of all things.

How can you serve a master you don't know?
How can you obey a Father of whose attributes and character and commandments you are ignorant?

Would you be able to score a passing grade on the world's most important test if you were unaware of the content/nature/requirements/rules in order to study and prepare?

If you think love without knowledge is the way to Exhaltation - you are drunk and risk not finding your way back home. Man cannot be saved in ignorance.

You will have to learn all - eventually.

The Glory of God is intelligence, spirit, light and truth = they mean the same.
Here's the danger.

Satan understands that intelligence is glory. Infiltrating and deluding intelligence is how he controls the kings, armies, navies and tyrants in order to maintain opposition to the light of truth and Restored Gospel.

Through secret combinations he 'reveals'.
One of the main themes of the Book of Mormon is that of how secret combinations between man and the Devil [the inversion of covenants and oaths] have been the destruction of the previous American civilizations as a type and symbol for our day.
If you think that Satan has not polluted Higher Education, the modern scholar or erudite class, you are deceived and naive and will revolt at my foundational assertions.

So be it. My paradigm does not contradict revealed scripture and promotes true science as true religion.
Most modern Latter-day scholars try too hard to connect the Restored Gospel with the modern standard models of science and totally ignore or are unaware of the corruption - their livelihood/success depends on general "acceptance" within their scientific/academic communicy.
Going against the "consensus" of today's various compartmentalized disciplines of gated popular science will result in scorn and a total banishment from the financial networks of science, government and the media, etc.

Labels of pseudoscience or conspiracy theorist are weapons.
You think you're free but you're not.

You're given handcrafted and limited ideas selected by the pyramid of mind control - choose right or left - while they continually constrict the freedom to explore and believe in a whole spectrum of differing ideological choices.
I promise - this is important if you want to truthfully see my perspective about dinosaurs and the Plan.

I have not strayed from the topic. This is important.

Satan uses Terrestrial intelligence to deceive many, even the elect.

How many trust academia over the Prophet?
But all is not lost! There is HOPE!

Would the Savior leave us hopelessly overwhelmed by disinformation in this modern conflict of spiritual and information-age warfare?

No. In fact - Joseph Smith restored the foundation to bring true science and true religion together.
Here's where this thread takes a fast acceleration.

There are two frames within the flesh. A spirit body and a temporal[natural] body.

The Restored Gospel is materialistic. Not in idolatry - but in philosophy. We do not believe in immaterial matter - spirit IS matter.
Not only is spirit matter - but NOTHING can be created out of NOTHING.

Creation is organization by laws - not the manifestation of conjurations ex-nihilo.

Matter is organized and disorganized.
Many Saints have been content to wrest the issue of dinosaurs in this manner - "well if this world was organized from other existing matter - then maybe the bones are from creatures of some other world... and deposited in this Earth's crust in perfect migration patterns and ..."
I do not believe this. There is a much holier explanation when all the pieces of the puzzle are in place.

Lets put them in place now.

Please now suspend your disbelief and assumptions that have been systematically forced down your throat your whole life about cosmology.
The Big Bang as taught by modern science is incorrect.

The Big Bang purports to detail how the universe was created... but hold up.

Why do you trust this hypothesis that includes all the conceivable stars and unknowns in space - when we do not understand the nearest star? SUN
The scriptures and Joseph Smith clearly teach a different history of the Planets and the heavenly bodies.

In fact the scriptures teach us that many of the noble and great spirits helped form and organize the earth and all the planets and that their purpose is bodily exhaltation
That's very different than "random" collisions and explosions creating our perfect situation by coincidence over incomprehensible periods of millions or billions or trillions of years.

We will talk about time later.

One explanation involves God, the other removes Him.
It is the same with Darwinian Evolution and other abominable philosophies of the deceiver that pervade modernity and fool the Elect.

There is another option. Leave Babylon and put faith in the Prophets.

I want you to consider carefully this next video.
If you can not find time to watch and carefully consider this video - then you are not actually interested enough.

Come back again when you're ready to learn and shuck your secular pride and programming.

I do not apologize. This has expanded my faith
Main takeaways:

Planetary history is not what sciences teaches.

Joseph Smith RESTORED the natural side of the Gospel of Christ but was rejected by the protestant Saints of recent conversion.

The traditions of fathers are strong.
Light is electromagnetism.

We know LIGHT is truth and pervades all matter.

Scaled electromagnetism is ignored in cosmology, geology, carbon dating, archeology, astronomy etc etc..

Spirit is LIGHT.
So let's get into it.

- the history of the Earth/Creation
1) The Earth and Adam were created like all life - in a Family of planets and in an immortal state originally under the direction of the Father through Christ.

1st Pillar = Immortal Creation through the Father
2) The Earth (family of planets) was cursed and scattered by Adam's transgression and fell into a Mortal state of capture.

2nd Pillar = Mortal Creation through Adam

Enter blood and mortality and "time".
3) The Earth and all original planets will be restored through the Immortal redemption [creation] of the Atonement performed by Christ.

3rd Pillar = Immortal 'creation' [read organization] / resurrection through Christ
If you are dismissing me now - let's reinforce this with words of the current Prophet of God.

From Russell M. Nelson,

"Before we can comprehend the Atonement of Christ, however, we must first understand the Fall of Adam. And before we can understand the Fall of Adam,
"we must first understand the Creation. These three crucial components of the plan of salvation relate to each other....
"The creation of Adam and Eve was a paradisiacal creation, one that required a significant change before they could fulfill the commandment to have children (see Gen. 1:28; Moses 2:28) and thus provide earthly bodies for premortal spirit sons and daughters of God....
"The Fall of Adam (and Eve) constituted the mortal creation and brought about the required changes in their bodies, including the circulation of blood and other modifications as well. They were now able to have children. They and their posterity also became subject to injury,
"disease, and death....

The Atonement of Jesus Christ became the immortal creation. He volunteered to answer the ends of a law previously transgressed (see 2 Ne. 2:7; also “Behold the Great Redeemer Die,” Hymns, no. 191).
"And by the shedding of His blood, His (see Luke 13:32) and our physical bodies could become perfected. They could again function without blood, just as Adam’s and Eve’s did in their paradisiacal form....
"The Creation required the Fall. The Fall required the Atonement. The Atonement enabled the purpose of the Creation to be accomplished. Eternal life, made possible by the Atonement, is the supreme purpose of the Creation."

("The Atonement," Ensign, Nov 1996, 33)
Note: I am not talking about the Premortal existence. This is in regard to the temporal creation of the Earth.

1) The Earth was baptized with the Flood.
2) It will be purified/endowed at the 2nd coming.
3) It will be sealed unto Celestial Glory AFTER the Millennium.
For every event in this sequence there is a specific state of HEAVEN and a specific state of the EARTH.

This is why Peter exclaims after the Flood there was a "New Heaven and a New Earth" as well we look for the same at the coming advent and Burning of Christ's 2nd Coming.
This means the very stars and planets and luminaries that were once visible in the sky - changed.

The face of the Earth and the nature of its inhabitants - changed.

We continued to fall to a LOWER state of existence, of separation from the powers of Heaven.
Consider this - we have all of about 8 chapters out of 1587 in our Latter-day Canon that address the dispensations of the Earth from Adam to Noah.

Genesis 1-6 and the 2 Enoch chapters in the Pearl of Great Price.

That's a lot of missing history.
How were the Heaven and Earth so different as to "pass away" at the flood only to return at the 2nd Coming?

Follow me here.

I understand this is hard to comprehend and visualize - we do not see these things in our sky today.
The current Sun we orbit - Sol - is not our original Star.

We [the planets of our family] have fallen into its environment and been captured.

I mean, our original group/family of planets was SCATTERED in FOREIGN LANDS by a new solar ruler and spread apart across the vastness
The Prophets have claimed that the Sun is already a Celestial Body. A planet that has been resurrected and now enjoys Celestial Glory.

The prophets have also said that the Earth "Fell into space, and took up its abode in this planetary system"
The capture event was the Great Flood. After the flood the Old Heaven and the Old Earth passed away.

It was after the flood - that men started to live shorter lifespans.

It was after the flood that TIME as we know it with a 12/12 division of night and day actually begins.
So which Sun, or Star gave light to the Earth before the "capture"?

What was the original sun? It was a configuration of multiple planets that were fixed to the northern pole, the superior star being Kolob, or Saturn.

Go here for more info:
Through the Patriarchal Age or Age of Saturn[Adam - Atum - Anu, Shamash] AKA the Golden Age - Saturn was the primary star leading a host of other planets in polar alignment as they "fell" through space and approached the current Sun's electrical environment [heliosphere]
As this family of planets literally fell to be captured by another Celestial body - the changes to their planetary system caused by said fall - instigated great catastrophe and changes to the Heaven and the Earth.
We know from scripture and mythology uniformly across the world that from time to time in the not so distant past, the Lord has brought sudden destruction or change to the Heavens and the Earth.

This is Catastrophe. Destruction from the stars, or planets or any space-body.
Before these catastrophes - God prepares a people and a Zion. In times past, cities of Zion were REMOVED from the Planet to take abode in the sky/heaven. (See Enoch, Melchizedek, Moses, etc)

Consider these words from Elder Christofferson in April 2019 general conference.
These planets that used to be close to the Earth were scattered, which caused great upheavals on Earth and righteous groups of Saints were translated and given abode in kingdoms of a higher order than mortality, stored against the season.

Think Jacob 5. A broader application.
Dinosaurs. I'm still talking about dinosaurs.

At this point it should be becoming obvious that modern secular theories don't know much about what Earth was like before the Flood, whereas through a Restored Gospel paradigm - it's the whole show!
We are currently on our way to a RECONSTITUTION or restoration or gathering of that same type of planetary environment that existed before the flood - but instead of an ever decreasing paradaisical environment, ours will be ever increasing until the the end of the Millennium
Consider this article from the Church in 1980.

I am not a heretic. We as saints are happy to be lazy and comfortable in Babylon and be told in every little thing what to think. Break the habit, the wicked traditions of the fathers!

Israel Israel!
There is no reason that dinosaurs could not have existed in the antediluvian dispensations.

Especially when you tear down the assumption barrier of modern science that the history of the earth has been slow and gradual. This is the false secular principle of Uniformitarianism.
- Catastrophism v. Uniformitarianism

The set up has been done. This thread is sufficiently long enough to probably weed out most of the trolls and have the weak hearted call me "looking beyond the mark". Good.

Joseph Smith was a catastrophist.
To be continued...

I will delete this tweet and continue when I am available.
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