Storm is officially the 2nd Round draft pick for the Polynesian Team in the #RacialDraft!
As per their captain @MaoriRandom:
"Maia Monroe belongs to the Māori tribe called the Urukehu.

Their traditions trace their descent to Uira (Lightning) and Whaitiri (Thunder).+
"When her mutant ability manifested as control of the weather this was seen as the fulfilment of a prophecy to lead her people.

Maia is revered as a leader and protector of her people.

She is a founding member of the X-Men. +
"Currently, she is the co-leader of a new team that includes Namor. There is a strong relationship built on mutual respect. Maia is one of the few people that Namor trusts.

Her code-name is Storm ⛈"
"Reimagined, Storm would have a ‘moko kauae’, a traditional chin tattoo with designs that connect her to her people, ancestors and gods. It could look similar to this:"
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