In the course of human events it becomes necessary for a population to severe ties with a government which chooses to not carry out their wishes. Our founding fathers laid out our rights that are God given by our creator, and they are as follows:
Life, liberty, and the absolute pursuit of happiness, which shall be defined by each citizen of this great nation. As per the Constitution which has been given to us all as a gift from our founders. A gift in which they were willing to give in the face of death.
We shall carry on their dreams and wishes by declaring our independence from the state governments that have chosen to strip our unalienable rights, and we put our faith and absolute trust in our President. Until such time we can restructure our state governments.
And replace said government with one that represents the people and their will. In this declaration of Independence, we the people urge the tyrants in our state and local governments to step down and spare us the conflict.
We the people stand at the ready to organize and exercise our rights to hold you accountable ad our representatives in government. Serve our will or step aside. For we the people have had enough. We as Americans will never accept taxation without representation.
We the people are not being represented we are being ruled and pursuant to our rights as American citizens, we will exercise our right to hold our government responsible. You've forgotten your first priority, to uphold our unalienable rights.
Signed: Richard Cote
If you're a Patriot and you agree and aren't afraid, I invite you to sign your name proudly!!!
You can follow @rickibobbi101.
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